A Dazzling Success

A thoughtful pause followed as Fabian contemplated her question. "You're right; I haven't. But I won't let that deter me. I'll gauge his responses and perhaps question him about matters only Prince Ansgar would know."

Her eyes suddenly widened as a realization struck her. "Prince Ansgar has green eyes."

A determined glint sparkled in Fabian's eyes as he confirmed, "I'll keep that detail in mind."

In a fleeting moment of intimacy, Fabian's fingers deftly found hers, hidden from view by his body, as they shared a silent exchange of support. "You should rejoin the festivities," he advised softly, reluctantly releasing her fingers. "You've accomplished so much, dear sister."

"Thank you, brother," Yohana replied, a mix of gratitude and a touch of reluctance in her voice. With a final reassuring smile, she left Fabian's side and rejoined the crowd.

Nearing the end of the successful event, a hushed anticipation spread through the room. Stepping onto the stage with grace, Yohana's presence commanded the attention of every guest. The soft rustle of silks and the gentle clinking of glasses gave way to a hushed reverence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed patrons, distinguished guests," her voice rang out, carrying the weight of gratitude and accomplishment.

"Tonight, we stand united not only in revelry but in a shared mission of compassion to celebrate Luminara—a mission that has touched the lives of countless souls who will benefit from your generous contributions."

A moment of collective pride seemed to wash over the gathering, a tangible reminder of the impact their combined efforts had achieved.

"And now," Yohana continued, her eyes shining with sincerity, "allow me the honor of expressing our heartfelt gratitude to the vendors whose remarkable support has made this endeavor possible."

Yohana began to invite each vendor onto the stage, one by one. As each vendor stepped forward, a soft spotlight illuminated them, casting a glow that seemed to symbolize the recognition they rightfully deserved. She provided a brief window for each vendor to express their thoughts and appreciation.

"And finally," Yohana's voice carried a blend of warmth and enthusiasm, "for those of you who have been captivated by the talents on display tonight, fear not. The Royal Gazette will soon reveal a comprehensive guide on how to engage these vendors for your own events, should you wish to bring their expertise into your celebrations."


The charity ball unfurled as a dazzling success, defying the queen's earlier restrictions. The budget she had begrudgingly allocated had been used only for raw materials.

In the aftermath of the ball, the Royal Gazette took on the role of an amplifier, carefully crafting features that showcased each vendor's artistry and skill. What had once been a clutch of lesser-known artisans now basked in the spotlight of high demand.

The queen's covert collaborators, now overshadowed by these newfound stars, found themselves sidelined, their services ignored.

The queen seethed in private, her rage a tempest within her. "That little snake dared to defy me!" she spat, venom dripping from her words as she referred to the audacious Miss Rita.

Despite a clandestine meeting with the queen herself, Miss Rita had forged ahead, continuing her involvement in Lady Runa's charitable endeavors.

Frustration clung to Queen Emma like a persistent shadow. "Nothing ever goes right! What kind of curse someone put on me and this family?!" she exclaimed, her fist colliding with the table in a futile attempt to release her pent-up anger.

"Your Majesty, perhaps it's time to reconsider your assessment of Lady Runa," Lady Rafaela spoke, choosing her words with calculated care. "She has shown remarkable capability beyond our expectations. Her partnership with His Highness could herald a prosperous future for him as king."

The queen's eyes flared with ire, her gaze a piercing dagger aimed at Lady Rafaela. "What are you saying?! She is the daughter of traitors! Do you propose I bestow a traitor's blood upon my son? Would you wish the same for your own child?"

Lady Rafaela swallowed her unspoken thoughts, knowing that defending Lady Runa would only further anger the queen. Yet, from a logical standpoint, Lady Runa's competence and ingenuity had the potential to strengthen the throne, not weaken it.

With a sudden vehemence, Queen Emma rose from her seat, her decision irrevocably made. Lady Rafaela trailed close behind, accompanied by Lady Catharina and Zara, who exchanged uncertain glances. Their queen's capricious moods were like navigating a storm-tossed sea.

"If you dare to offer any aid to Lady Runa, if you dare to touch her laundry, I shall see to it that you are dismissed without hesitation." The queen's decree resonated through the corridors, a chilling command to the palace maids.

It was a pitiful revenge, a small taste of victory, but it was the only way she could retaliate against a woman who seemed to dance just out of her control.


Thea's exasperation manifested in the rhythm of her stomping feet upon the floor, a futile attempt to release the pent-up scream that threatened to escape. "This is beyond reason, even for her! My Lady, please let me take up these tasks in your stead."

The source of her agitation lay in Queen Emma's latest decree. The directive was simple yet laden with malice: the maids were to cease aiding Yohana with her daily chores. Thea's heart clenched at the injustice, her own hands itching to remedy the situation.

But the constraints of the queen's mandate extended to her too, as she had received a stern warning from Mila. To defy the queen's order would be to invite the queen's wrath, and Thea knew well the power of that storm.

"Allow me to shoulder this burden for you," Thea insisted. She knew that the task had turned into an ordeal under the queen's command, but she was determined to offer relief.

"It will endanger you if anyone sees," Yohana cautioned, concerned for Thea's well-being.

Thea hesitated for a moment, wrestling with her sense of duty against the weight of the risk. However, her decision was swift and resolute, like a flicker of defiance in the face of adversity. "I'd rather face the consequences than let you bear this alone," she declared.

Thus, under the shroud of night, Thea and Zara orchestrated covert operations, ensuring that Yohana's burden was lightened in secrecy. The palace's watchful eyes remained unseeing as they toiled in the shadows.


Fabian entered the sitting room, where King Georg was most of the time as of late. Whispers and rumors, like mist drifting through the palace, had painted a portrait of King Georg's deteriorating health. The sight of the king's healthy complexion brought a flicker of relief to Fabian's heart.

If Reichwein were to see yet another shift in power, it was possible that the riot that had grappled Valoisia could enter this kingdom too. He would dread that.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. I come bearing a report on the Reinhard Duchy," Fabian announced.

King Georg extended his hand in a gesture of welcome, his intentions transparent in both his eyes and the gentle cadence of his speech. "Please, take a seat, Fabian. Remember, I've asked you to speak freely with me."

The king's invitation was infused with a subtle purpose, an unspoken directive. The alliance between the crown and the Reinhard family held a promise of strength—an intertwining of finance and knighthood that could fortify the kingdom's defenses.