Agreement with Kievskaya

"Listen, son, I understand your feelings for Lady Runa, but we must differentiate between matters of state and fleeting emotions. If you visit Greifswaldia with her, other kingdoms will perceive us as weak, allowing a member of the former monarch's family to participate in political affairs."

Henrie's resolve remained unwavering. "How many times must I emphasize, Father? Lady Runa has been the face of the Reichwein Kingdom, securing numerous deals independently during her time as the crown princess. Her accomplishments alone make her an asset for this negotiation."

"Why are you so fixated on her? You can easily find another lady who matches her in beauty," King Georg argued.

The frustration in Henrie's voice was undeniable as he retorted, "Why must a lady's worth be solely defined by her outer appearance? You've never taken the time to know her, Father, so you're unaware of her compassion and her genuine concern for the people of Reichwein. Her heart is the most beautiful part of Lady Runa."

Yet, King Georg remained unyielding. "This is an order: do not bring her!"

Henrie's countenance shifted from determination to stoicism. Pushed into a corner by his father's unwavering stance, he reluctantly played his trump card. 

"Very well, Father, if that's what you truly desire," he said, his voice laced with a somber resolve. "In exchange for my consent, I shall unveil to the public the truth about your actions in the past. I recall the details of that event vividly, and I possess undeniable evidence that proves you were the one who brought calamity upon our kingdom."

King Georg's jaw clenched tightly, his anger palpable. It was becoming increasingly evident that he had no other recourse but to accede to his son's request. 

"Fine," he begrudgingly conceded, his voice heavy with resignation. "Go ahead! Go with her and do as you see fit."


In truth, Henrie didn't possess the concrete evidence he claimed to have, but he held vivid memories of the incident in his mind. 

It was a time when Matzovia had split into two kingdoms, and somehow, Reichwein had negotiated an agreement with Kievskaya. Henrie wasn't privy to the intricacies of how this agreement came to be, but he distinctly recalled the day when the signing was supposed to take place.

On that fateful day, Henrie had intended to report the remarkable progress of his tolerance amongst religions program to his father. From the very inception of his interest and the development of the program, Henrie's father had served as the vital bridge, facilitating communication with the former King Alois.

However, his intentions were abruptly halted as an unfamiliar figure burst into his father's study. The man, with golden hair and attire befitting nobility, was a stranger to Henrie. 

At first, he assumed the man to be a mere messenger, but that assumption quickly seemed far-fetched given the man's extravagant attire and demeanor.

Before long, the man exited his father's study, a sense of urgency trailing behind him. Henrie's father followed, hastily donning his coat while his valet rushed to gather his cane and papers. 

It was evident that they were in a frantic rush to depart for some undisclosed destination.

As the day surrendered to night, Henrie learned that his father had been summoned to stand in for the former king during the signing of the agreement with Kievskaya. 

On that ill-fated day, the king had fallen seriously ill, rendering him unable to partake in the crucial signing ceremony. Consequently, the responsibility had fallen upon Duke Georg, who was delegated to represent the monarchy in the pivotal procession.

Henrie stumbled upon the agreement document resting on Duke Georg's desk when the duke was away, its contents shrouded in secrecy. As his eyes scanned the words, shock rippled through him like an electric current. 

'ARTICLE 1. Recognizing Reichwein Kingdom's role in the separation of Matzovia Kingdom, Kievskaya Empire commits to maintaining silence and pledges support to Reichwein Kingdom in the event of war instigated by Matzovia Kingdom.'

"What?" Henrie muttered, his voice trembling with disbelief. He could hardly fathom it. How could Reichwein have been entangled in the separation of Matzovia? 

King Alois had been an astute and cautious leader, always steering clear of direct involvement in external disputes. 

'ARTICLE 2. In reciprocity, Reichwein Kingdom is bound to safeguard Vinresic from any potential invasion by Valoisia.'

Once upon a time, before Vinresic aligned itself with Kievskaya, it had been a neighboring kingdom. The access was as straightforward as journeying to a neighboring town, as Vinresic's land directly bridged the gap to the empire.

During that era, a legendary military tactician emerged in Valoisia – General Xavier Leblanc. His ascent marked a turning point, as his impeccable timing and strategic brilliance led to the swift conquest of both Greifswaldia and Essrath in a single, audacious campaign.

General Xavier's conquest had been nothing short of astonishing. With Greifswaldia and Essrath secured, he easily conquered Cericce, and now cast his ambitious gaze upon the Kievskaya Empire. 

The relentless general, driven by an insatiable hunger for power, understood that subjugating the empire would etch his name indelibly in the annals of history as the greatest military strategist of all time. 

Kievskaya, being the grandest empire and arguably the most formidable, turned into the ultimate battleground for his pride.

As tales of General Xavier's audacious feats reached the ears of Kievskaya, apprehension began to seep into the hearts of its leaders, particularly regarding the vulnerable Vinresic.

Henrie carefully returned the paper to its original place, his heart weighed down by this grave revelation. 

While the agreement bore the royal crest of the Reichwein Kingdom, it was Duke Georg who had placed his signature upon it. 

If anyone were to stumble upon this document and uncover the duke's involvement, he would inevitably be ensnared in the web of treason, regardless of any explanation he could offer. 

Upon his recovery, King Alois erupted in a furious tempest upon learning of the agreement. He unleashed his anger upon Henrie's father, berating him mercilessly for hours on end. The storm of his wrath culminated in the harsh stripping of his father's title as Minister of Defense.

Yet, amidst the turmoil, time was not on King Alois's side to rectify the catastrophic misunderstanding with Kievskaya. The wheels of chaos had already been set in motion. 

As stipulated in Article 3, the failure of either party to fulfill its obligations mandated the declaration of full-scale war by the other.

General Xavier's relentless pursuit of Vinresic left King Alois with no recourse but to provide not only resources but also substantial financial support. 

Consequently, Duke Georg was reinstated to his former position, called upon to lend his expertise to navigate this dire situation.

The agreement and forced assistance for Vinresic ultimately proved to be Reichwein Kingdom's undoing, stripping it of its once-proud glory. 

As General Xavier continued his relentless territorial expansion campaign, Matzovia, surprisingly, remained conspicuously silent about Reichwein's involvement. 

This silence effectively released Kievskaya from its commitment to the agreement, while siphoning off all of Reichwein's precious resources, leaving it hollowed and diminished. The kingdom's fate had been irrevocably altered, forever marred by the consequences of their past actions.