Bad Timing

Hanne lifted a portion of the carpet, revealing a hidden storage space beneath the floor. From it, she retrieved chains and secured them around Elisa's wrists, following Eleanor's orders precisely.

As Elisa returned to the wardrobe, Eleanor let out a sigh. "Hmph. There's one good thing about tonight's delivery failure. I suppose I won't have to lament over how the wagon fell off the cliff and couldn't make it here. Because otherwise, I don't know what that little snake might do."

Eleanor wasn't finished with her punishment. Having satisfied her desire to threaten Elisa, she turned her attention to the one who truly deserved to be punished: Annelise. 

With a swift kick, she sent Annelise tumbling to the ground. Trembling, Annelise dropped to her knees. "Forgive me, Your Highness. It was not my intention—"

Before Annelise could finish her defense, Eleanor kicked her in the face. The eyepatch she always wore was sent flying, revealing an empty eye socket.