Potential Informant

And so it was that Henrie made the fateful decision to release Runa. Although, as she stepped out into her newfound freedom, he couldn't help but regret his lack of preparation for her life beyond the prison walls. 

He had no concrete plan in place for her, only the knowledge that she had fled barefoot. The destination of her flight remained a mystery.

With Runa's absence, Henrie found himself growing increasingly agitated. He couldn't discern whether it was her absence that he missed or the constant worry for her safety that gnawed at his mind. As the days stretched on, his anxiety deepened.

Henrie made a solemn vow to himself that if fate allowed him another chance to cross paths with Runa, he would do whatever it took to help her. 

But he wasn't content to leave it solely to fate. He took action, issuing orders to his knights to find her. However, the task proved exceedingly challenging.