Yohana’s Dream

Yohana struggled to lift her eyelids, her weakened body making the effort an arduous one. Her head swayed, lacking the strength to remain steady. 

The previous day, Yohana had expended all her energy in a futile attempt to draw attention to her plight.

Hanne rushed down the stairs carrying a chair, which she placed in front of Yohana. Princess Eleanor took a seat on it and casually nudged Yohana's bare foot with her own.

"I've heard that you've been neglecting your basic needs—refusing to eat and drink—despite my gracious provision of necessities," Eleanor began, her tone laced with false compassion. 

"I don't want you to misunderstand me. You see, I do have a heart. If I didn't, I wouldn't be capable of feeling anger when you meddle where you don't belong."