The Border

In his study, Henrie appeared utterly exhausted. The mounting stress and sleepless nights had etched deep lines of weariness beneath his once-youthful eyes, transforming his handsome face into one of a man far beyond his years.

"My son, you should put an end to this," King Georg advised, concern etched across his aging features. 

"I can see that it has been weighing on you for a while now. You are the future king, and I can't bear to see you like this, all for the sake of a lady. Are there no other eligible ladies in this kingdom?"

As King Georg entered the study, his daughter, Elke, was revealed behind a towering stack of paperwork on the table.

"My dear, why are you also involved in this?" King Georg queried, glancing at his daughter. "Elke, you should help me understand what is so exceptional about Lady Runa that both my children are so enamored with her."