The Sins

Through the long night, Yohana's tears flowed incessantly as she couldn't shake her deep concern for Henrie. She had unwavering faith in his capabilities, but the knowledge that he was risking his life in a battle born of a colossal misunderstanding weighed heavily on her.

Desperate for information about Henrie's condition and the events that had propelled him into this war, Yohana knew there was only one person who could provide those answers—Princess Eleanor. 

However, the princess remained unyielding in her silence.

"Henrie, oh Henrie, please... you have to survive," Yohana whispered into the darkness. 

"Win and live, because I'll be back soon." Her plea hung in the air, infused with determination and love.

Exhaustion eventually claimed her, but even in slumber, her dreams transformed into harrowing nightmares, jerking her awake, her cheeks stained with fresh tears.