A Surprise Attack 

Henrie leaped to his feet, a newfound determination in his eyes. He swiftly gathered his men and, with resolute purpose, declared their next move, "Rest can wait. We'll end this battle today. Hoist your swords and rifles! Victory awaits us tonight!"

The crown prince's rallying cry reverberated through the ranks of the knights. With raised weapons and thunderous shouts, they unleashed their pent-up energy, ready for one final attack.

The Reichwein army's unexpected assault caught the enemy off guard, pushing them back significantly. As the troops from the ships closed in, they found themselves trapped in a pincer movement.

In a matter of hours, what remained of the enemy forces raised a white flag in surrender to the might of the Reichwein army. Henrie instructed Rudolf to take the captured enemy soldiers, as he intended to leverage them in negotiations concerning borders and territories.