Dark Tendencies

As Eleanor exited her chamber, Queen Emma found herself struggling to catch her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. Lady Rafaela, ever attentive, rushed to her side, immediately requesting a glass of water. 

With the support of Lady Catharina, they gently guided the queen to the comfort of a nearby sofa, while Zara hurried to fetch the much-needed water.

Within the chamber, panic spread like wildfire. Concerned for the queen's well-being, Zara offered to summon the palace doctor, but Queen Emma's response was firm and resolute. She clasped Zara's wrist, her voice barely above a whisper. "No. Don't."

"But Your Majesty..."

"I don't wish to entertain any inquiries," the queen continued, her eyes closing as she began massaging her temples. "Just give me the time and solitude to gather my thoughts."