Put the Pieces Together

Yohana delicately removed the stone-adorned cufflink and the elegant cravat pin, both gifted to her by Fabian earlier that morning. 

With a glint of curiosity in her eyes, she turned to Thea, who had been busy with the lunch plates. "Thea, could you lend me a hand with my necklace?"

Without hesitation, Thea abandoned her task and hurried to Yohana's side, her nimble fingers deftly unfastening the necklace. 

Her curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't help but inquire, "My Lady, may I ask why you're taking off your necklace? Isn't this your treasure, along with the headpiece that His Highness gifted you?"

Yohana's fingers gently caressed the bracelet on her wrist and the regal headpiece adorning her hair. 

Her treasured three exquisite heirlooms above all else: the bracelet gifted by Fabian, the resplendent headpiece from Henrie, and the delicate necklace passed down from her beloved deceased mother.