Shared History or Present Feelings

Henrie had been pondering for a few days now. Something must have transpired with Yohana to cause such a drastic change in her demeanor in such a short time. Even when he met her, she appeared distant.

He also observed Thea's somber mood. It seemed plausible that Thea's change in demeanor was connected to Yohana's imminent departure. But Henrie needed to speak with Thea to confirm this assumption.

Henrie harbored a suspicion that Yohana was grappling with lingering feelings for Niels from their past. She seemed caught between him and Niels, a situation Henrie struggled to comprehend.

His greatest fear was that Yohana would choose Niels based on their shared history, not on her present feelings. If Yohana still loved Niels, Henrie would have to let her go. 

However, if her inclination toward Niels was merely rooted in pity for twice of his deaths in their previous lives, that wouldn't be fair to Henrie.