Who Was It?

Runa grappled with the weight of losing a part of her soul with yet another death of Niels. Was he bound to die anyway, no matter how many times Runa and Yohana switched places? Was there absolutely no way to keep him alive?

Seated on the bed, she stared into the vacant space, her mind tirelessly exploring alternate scenarios that might have preserved Niels' life. It proved to be a futile and draining exercise; Niels had died, and there existed no means for Runa to resurrect him.

"But there was..." Runa murmured. The solution seemed deceptively simple—she only needed to switch back with Yohana, and time would reset. 

Yet, something was amiss. How did Runa and Yohana return to their original bodies? Neither of them had faced death, leaving the mystery of their reversal unresolved.