
Panic initially seeped into Yohana's body. The image of being trampled while captive in the shed resurfaced, and fear trembled through Yohana's body.

But looking at the surrounding walls, Yohana realized she was at the Linse workhouse, not the shed where Princess Eleanor reigned. 

Yohana pulled Princess Eleanor's arms downward, causing her to wobble. Yohana then turned around and slammed the princess' head to the floor. She used her knee to hold Princess Eleanor's head on the ground.

Before anything, Yohana took a deep breath before observing the person she had pinned. She relished this moment, which she had been waiting for a long time. 

Yohana was glad her chosen punishment for Princess Eleanor seemed to work well. The first princess appeared thinner, and she was gloomier than ever.