
When Lady Yohana's name was mentioned, Henrie felt a pang in his chest. But he didn't show that he was flustered. Instead, he remained silent.

Elke nudged his arm and whispered, "Do you think Lady Yohana knows Lady Runa? I mean, they practically have the same mind for going with the same vendors! Hey, should we meet with Lady Yohana? Perhaps she knows anything about Lady Runa."

Ever since the public announcement of the termination of Henrie's engagement to Yohana, Elke had not gotten in contact with her. She was worried about Yohana, and Henrie couldn't tell her that Yohana was still in love with Niels.

It seems that my love for her isn't enough to change her mind, he thought. 

Henrie had been drowning in his sorrow. All he could see now was how bad things were for him. Had Yohana ever loved him before? Or was he just a substitute that could be ditched anytime?