Pieces Fell in Place

"King Georg has assigned me to handle the riots. His Majesty wants a quick solution. He's been pressuring me into using violence to stop the riots," Fabian said. 

Henrie was listening to his every word with patience, showing no signs of interrupting so Fabian continued. 

"I am not beyond violence, I admit–but I do not wish to kill people with no reason. Just because some people are participating in the riots and destroying people's businesses, it doesn't mean that killing them all in one go is justified. 

"These people are the citizens of Reichwein. Shouldn't the leaders of the kingdom protect them instead of harming them? What we need to do is to find the roots of the riots and eliminate those."

Fabian felt a huge chunk of anxiety and heaviness that had burdened his chest for a long time was being lifted now. He was glad that he chose to confide in Henrie about this.