Should’ve Captured Him Sooner

Henrie had just returned to the royal palace. He did not pass the gate when Mr. Hermann rushed over to him. Beside the valet was an unknown man. He was wearing a knight uniform, but one that Henrie did not recognize. 

This man and the army he was associated with must not be from the powerful families nor was he from the big families in the capital. 

"Your Highness, Count Yannik has a message for you," Mr Hermann announced.

The knight extended his hand, offering a folded piece of paper. He bowed, "Greetings, Your Highness. Count Yannik sent me to deliver this important message directly to you. He said it is urgent."

Henrie snatched the paper from the knight's hand and opened the content. Count Yannik insinuated Ansgar in those messy scribbles as the one behind the treacherous agreement with Kievskaya. He also mentioned that he kept the evidence safe.