Pack Up!

Elisa was about to reject Queen Emma's idea of the wedding when loud noises interrupted them. Everyone in the chamber was startled. Zara gasped as the bang of gunshots surprised her. 

Queen Emma got up and looked outside the window. Her ladies-in-waiting followed, checking other windows to see what had happened. 

"What is that?" Lady Rafaela murmured. She turned to the queen, her face etched with concern. "Your Majesty, something must have happened. I'll talk to a knight to inquire about this commotion."

After obtaining permission from Queen Emma, Lady Rafaela lifted her skirt and dashed out of the chamber. The queen helped Elisa get up from the floor. "Pack your belongings now, Elisa."

"Why, Mother? What happened?" Elisa was confused. She blinked several times, not understanding a thing.