Unexpected Rescuer

It's Elijah! The large red birthmark was on full display across his face. He didn't hide it. 

As he grabbed Yohana by the wrist to get away from that foggy scene, Yohana looked at the back of his head. She only realized now that Elijah was several inches taller than her, and his build was thick. He was a different kind of man compared to the towering tall Henrie or her brother. 

But this person was also related to Yohana in some way. He was her half-brother, just as much as Fabian was. 

Elijah dragged Yohana to a small alley. The fog followed them there, but Elijah didn't stop. Out from the other end of the alley, Elijah made eye contact with several people dressed in commoners' clothes. He gave out signals to them, who proceeded to disperse to their designated posts.

Meanwhile, Elijah pulled Yohana even farther. They ran and kept running until Yohana didn't know how far. 

"Where are we going?" Yohana asked, panting.