Staying Behind to Help

"Yohana, you can't do that. I won't be able to focus if you're at risk," Henrie sighed. He seemed frustrated, but Yohana wasn't one to be swiped to the side. 

"I am a herbalist, Henrie. I can help, and I will help. What is the use of my knowledge if I can't aid the people of Reichwein in this dire time? I won't be near the border if that makes you feel better. But I won't leave Grossfeld."

Yohana knew that she was being stubborn, but she also knew that her insistence was not for something bad. Someone must be here to tend to the wounded in Grossfeld, right? Why couldn't that someone be her? Why was her life worth more than that person who was in charge of tending to the wounded in Grossfeld?

She took Henrie's hand and kissed his knuckles. "I promise to take care of myself well. I will hide when danger comes. I won't play with any fire," she said.