What Happened between Them

Fabian didn't know that Lady Celeste had that side of her. He thought that she was just a child, not understanding the world and people. That was why she fought with his sister. 

But he was wrong.

Lady Celeste was more understanding than he expected her to be. She was mature for her age, even though she had not had her official debut yet. Her seventeenth birthday was in winter, but at that time, she was still in Reichwein. Thus, she couldn't hold the debutante ball despite already being of age. 

At first, he was worried that she would be too sad leaving Reichwein. Even though this was the best choice for her to put some distance that would help her forget Henrie, it also separated her from her new friends. 

"I hope you're not too uncomfortable having me around," Fabian said politely. He was always polite, sometimes, too polite for his own good.