Older but Not Wiser

"I've given up on him, though. Wait, don't make that face! Even though I have stopped chasing after him, my heart is still stuck with him. It might take a hundred years for me to forget him."

Still, despite Runa's reprimand, Ernest grinned widely like a lost puppy finding its new owner. "A hundred years will go by in a flash before we know it. I won't get bored waiting if you promise to stay by my side."

Runa leaned back to the seat and folded her arms. She let out a soft laugh and shook her head. It was futile to try to win an argument with this boy. He was full of vigor, and he naively thought that he had all the time in the world. 

"You're still young. You don't understand."

Ernest creased his eyebrow in utter discontent. "I bet there isn't much age difference between us. I'm an adult, you do know that, right?"