EPILOG (5) - The Happily Ever After

Summer, two years after Fabian and Celeste's wedding

One cute little human ran around in the palace courtyard. She was just over one year old, her legs were short, and her steps were a little unsteady, but she moved so fast. With her chubby cheeks turning rosy, she gleefully pursued a colorful butterfly. 

Her dark hair fell in playful curls around her cherubic face, contrasting beautifully with her piercing blue eyes. She wore a delicate dress of soft lavender, decorated with tiny white daisies. 

"Frances, don't run around!" Fabian called, jogging after her, his robes fluttering slightly as he moved. 

The garden was buzzing with activity as the whole kingdom prepared for Yohana's wedding. The palace staff hurried about, setting up decorations and arranging flowers.