Short Story - 07 - Sinking Under The Darkness

There once a creature, liked hide in the darkness, observed the light from a distance. But one day got curious and tried to touch the light but almost burned himself down.

Those who dwell in the darkness doesn't have the right to feel the exposure of the light. Stars are only sparkling from a distant view. Going near them only burn you down.

The creature thought to himself that, he doesn't have what it takes so he need to learn the way of light. A curious mind indeed. For a long time he only followed the stories of light.

Amusing Indeed! The more strories he read, the more interested he became. Slowly by slowly, he understood the ways of the light. But why so complicated? Why those who dwells in the light have so hard world view? Why can't they be simple? Strange!

But he found that very strangeness amusing. He was a true curious being. Every strage thing is a source of curioucity to him. And then, curioucity killed the cat.

Once again he reached out to the light. But this time he didn't get hurt. He already understood the ways of light.

He is a dark dweller. His character built different that those of light dweller. Those of light suddenly get interested in him. They also reached out their hands to hold onto them.

And the more they observed each other, the more they become attracted. Light and Darkness two opposite poles, attracted each other.

But an audience is always an audience. Breaking the fourth wall to becoming a character is temporary. Unstability will surely occur. And one day...

The creature only understood the ways of light, but he wasn't actually born to live in the lightside. Slowly by slowly his hidden unpurgable darknee spread in the light.

While he didn't understood, but the light was started to become engulfed by the darkness. And one day, at the last moment, he found out how harmful he is to the beings he always wanted to mix with.

Sudden realisation dropped him. He fell, he fell again and fell some more, until he reached the rock bottom. But he was still sinking. At the lowest floor of the darkness, he gazed again at the light.

The light which was almost engulfed by him, was flickering. It was a splendid view. Slowly by slowly even the light started to regain it's glow. And reached out it's hand towards the darkness, to invite him once more.

But it was too late. He was already knew. So, he sinked some more, and more even under the darkness. So that no one can find him anymore. The pure darkness can be exposed to the light anymore. The stars are only splendid from distance. If you go near them it will burn you down.