Crossing the River

When the white Catfish Demon hit the river, a wave arose that knocked the surrounding ships off balance. Several medium-sized ships overturned because of the waves.

Fang An returned to the Spring Sun ship after slashing at the demon, he used up a lot of internal energy during that final attack.

Not long after diving into the river, the Catfish Demon was again seen on the surface but this time his body was floating above the river without moving at all. The attack that Fang An had delivered previously had succeeded in killing the creature.

"Long live Swordsman Fang! Long live Swordsman Fang!"

Everyone cheered, praising Fang An for successfully killing the 100 year demon that was terrorizing this river for the past week.

Indeed, a ship was destroyed and several ships capsized, but there were no casualties when facing this stealth, which is a miracle.

"Master Swordsman, tonight we will eat the meat of this fish. I heard demon meat is very good for health." Said the grandfather of the ship owner, laughing his head off.

"Thank you, but my apprentice and I are in a hurry. If you don't mind, could you cross us now?" Fang An thought this would not just be a simple dinner, the merchants who saw his abilities would try to approach him and ask for his help, Fang An didn't want that.

"Ah… Too bad, but could you wait a moment? It will take some time to find the Demon Jewel. As the one who managed to finish him off, Master Swordsman deserves to have it." The grandpa was a little disappointed that Fang An refused to stay any longer.

Fang An shook his head slowly, "I heard before that many ships were sunk because of this thing, right? There are even fatalities too. Uncle can sell this Demon Jewel to a merchant and then use the money for those who lost their ship and their families, including the person whose ship was wrecked this time."

Xiao Chen coughed lightly, actually he wished that Fang An could use the Demonic Gems for himself. If it is not used to increase internal strength, at least it can be made into heirlooms or sold at high prices.

The grandpa naturally rejected the idea, he was amazed by Fang An's kindness but he thought this was too much.

"I have already decided, no one can change that decision. So can you take us across before we return to the harbour?" asked Fang An.

The grandfather of the ship owner looked at the crew before finally nodding slowly, "Of course, if that's what Master Swordsman wants."

The crew of the other ships were busy tying the fish demon to bring it back to the port. They were confused when they saw that the Spring Sun ship was not involved but was sailing to the other side of the river.

It didn't take long for the boat to reach the other side of the river. Fang An and Xiao Chen got off the boat after saying their goodbyes.

"Master don't want to take a break first? Master's internal strength must have been drained quite a lot." Xiao Chen asked when the two reached the mainland.

"No problem Chen'er, Master is still willing to run until sunset."

Fang An began to walk quickly away from the river, Xiao Chen followed closely behind.

"Turns out this was the situation in the outside world before the Chaos Era happened…" Xiao Chen looked back for a moment while pondering.

In his previous life, he spent his life in the Valley of the Hundred Swords until he was 22 years old. Xiao Chen had never traveled with Fang An nor seen the outside world before the Chaos Era.

When the Chaos Era occurred, all places became battle grounds for sects. At that time the government was completely overwhelmed with controlling the situation of the Han Empire. As Xiao Chen remembered wherever he went there was always blood spilled and death enveloped him.

It turned out that before the Chaos Era, although the situation wasn't completely safe either, it could be said to be quite peaceful.

"I will stop the Chaos Era…" Xiao Chen thought, if he achieved his planned ability, it would be possible for him to have the ability to stop the Chaos Era before it happened.

Xiao Chen smiled broadly, thinking about training even more.


Two days had passed since Fang An and Xiao Chen had crossed the river. That morning, it was as if the sun was hiding because the sky was filled with dark clouds which made the morning no different from the evening.

"Looks like there's going to be a storm…" Fang An watched the movement of the wind and the temperature around the two of them dropping sharply.

Fang An took Xiao Chen to find a nearby town, both of them were also almost out of supplies so this was the perfect time to enter the town. Apart from taking shelter during the storm, the two of them were also able to eat warm dishes and buy supplies for their journey.

The two of them ran as fast as they could especially when it started to drizzle. It will be difficult to find shelter when a storm does occur.

"Master, over there is a small town." Xiao Chen pointed in one direction.

Fang An could only chuckle in awe as all he could see was a small shadow in the distance. Fang An didn't doubt Xiao Chen's eye ability so the two of them went in the direction Xiao Chen pointed.

The two arrived at the gates of the small town after running for half an hour. The rain was also getting harder and harder, making Fang An want to quickly find an inn, but two people guarding the gate stopped him.

"Traveller, I suggest you not enter this town. Go find another city." Said one of the guards.

Xiao Chen frowned, so far the two of them had never been banned from entering towns or villages, usually they only needed to show identification.

"If the situation allows, we don't mind looking for another city but…" Fang An pointed above, the sky was dark and the rain was getting heavier.

Fang An could see that the two guards looked neither hostile nor suspicious, but rather concerned. Even though Fang An didn't ask why the guards were looking for another city but he could guess that it was for his and Xiao Chen's sake.

"Travelers, you don't understand-…" A guard had barely finished speaking when another guard stopped him.

"Don't you care about your wife's children anymore?! If they really want to come in after we remind them, let them." The guard who stopped his partner looked at Fang An, "Go inside, but don't ever say that we warned you not to enter this city."

Fang An nodded slowly, then led Xiao Chen into the city. Xiao Chen looked at the two guards in surprise, he must have sensed something was wrong with this city.

Unfortunately, Xiao Chen didn't have much knowledge about the things that happened in this period. Most of the knowledge he recalled from his past life dates back to the Chaos Era.


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