
It’s the last day of February. Mid-terms ended a few days ago so, I’ve had to go to school twice now and asides from the ongoing malice between me and the-girl-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned, nothing of much importance has happened. However, let’s just say that life in the estate is about to get very interesting.

While on mid-term, we had dance rehearsals cause we as the official dance group for the church were to perform for the 20th anniversary which was close. The dance group consists of a few kids, my siblings and myself with my annoying older sister as the choreographer. I’m like the co-choreographer since we come up with the steps together and practice a lot before teaching the others. We have rehearsals almost every weekend and every mid-term, it takes place either at church or our house. The house is much better cause we get to take breaks to eat, watch tv and play around. At church, our breaks had us sitting around, resting and talking.

Last Thursday, we left for dance practice at 11:30 am and arrived late all thanks to my sister taking her time to look 'good' which was sorta pointless cause she wouldn't even have to stress herself since she’s the coordinator. The rest of us were the ones working-I mean dancing. While all she did was point out mistakes and yell her favourite order, “Do it again!” After dance practice, we returned home with our friends and dance partners, Medinat and Dabira. We had been riding our bicycles around the compound for a long time when two boys who I think moved in sometime last month joined us.

I’m not so nice around intruders so I didn’t pay them any mind and focused on the new trick I was learning with my bicycle. It was obvious one of the boys was older than the other. The older boy was like my height and the younger one was way shorter by about two or three inches. And somehow I found out their ages, one's 14 and the other is 11. The younger one asked me about my bicycle but I couldn’t say ‘Yes’ cause I was riding a neighbour’s bicycle so, I just told him to go ask the owner.

In case, you’re wondering why I wasn’t riding my bike, it's because my siblings and I share two bicycles and both brothers of mine were making use of them so, Medi and I rode the neighbours’ bikes.

The fourteen-year-old boy was walking around, typing away on his phone then he picked up a bike from like, nowhere and started riding. At first, I thought he was cool but when I got a better look at his face, he didn't seem like it…just kidding, not. I don’t know. It's not like I was gonna walk up to him and talk. I have a problem with socializing but somehow I have a lot of friends and I can't recall how we all met-my friends and me. He didn't talk to me at all except when he asked me a question when I was looking for Medinat and my notebook. I'd called out to her but when she answered me she had turned the other side of the block so I couldn't see or hear her and I was too lazy to run after her. Plus, she was having a bike race with the eleven-year-old boy.

I was all, "Medinat! Medi! Medinat! Where is my-" I stopped shouting when I saw her take a turn to the other side of the block with Mr Eleven-imma stick with this now. I heard her say, "Hmm? What are you saying?", as she disappeared round the corner. And Mr Fourteen was about ten feet away from me typing away on his dumb iPhone. When I saw her again I asked for my note but she turned around and I got mad. I stomped my way past Mr Fourteen who said, "Um, I think it's there". Then he pointed to the last place I'd left it. "That was the last place I saw you with it," he said. So he was watching me? Not weird. "Um, yeah thanks," I said confused before running inside. I ran inside. Like seriously Nora?!

Okay, it's not weird but at the same time, it is weird. I thought he was the 'I don't care' type with the way he didn't talk to anyone except for his brother and-not-surprisingly-my brothers and he also happens to be the same age as my sister and in the 9th grade. Shocking isn't it? Well, not really. I ended up talking to Mr Eleven all thanks to Medinat. He’s chatty, kinda like I am when I’m comfortable and I had fun, thanks Medi!

I'm so excited that Toni got jealous. Okay, that was wrong and in case you don't know Tori, she's our neighbour and is the same age and grade as my brother, David. She also has a little sister that's a brat named Lana and they are not exactly the nicest kids but I cope with Toni even though she gets a bit proud and bratty but not as bratty and spoilt as her sister. I can still make small talk with her and we got along the first time-to my surprise since I'm older. I wasn't even trying or anything but she had this look of wanting to talk and I was all 'Oooh okay'. But she just stayed out where she was. Oh well *shrug*.

The next day I and my sister were talking and she was like, "Those two boys go to Sandra's church". Sandra is a neighbour and also my sister's friend. "I know," I said.

"Do you know they have accounts on almost every social media?" she asked.

“Wow! I had no idea" I understand how Mr Fourteen is on Twitter, Instagram and whatnot but Mr Eleven??? Are you flipping kidding me?! I don't even own a phone yet and I am twelve!

"They're nice," my sister said. I was confused and a little jealous of Mr Eleven and decided to end the topic. "Can we just talk about practice instead? And I prefer the younger brother, he’s easy to talk to" I said, going back to the topic. Oh, Nora. "His name is Tony and the older one is Max," my sister said. So, Mr Eleven=Tony and Mr Fourteen=Max. Okay.

"Yeah, whatever it's time for Twist of Fate," I said, dismissing any signs of interest. Twist of Fate is this amazing Indian series we watch on Zee World. We got addicted sometime in 2015 to Zee World all thanks to the series Married Again starring one of the finest guys ever. I don't know his real name but in Married Again he plays Yash-can't remember his last name but it starts with an S. And his younger brother is also fine. I love their hair more though. It’s just sooo perfect! Yes, I’m a twelve-year-old crushing on adults old enough to be my parents...I’ll be fine.

Saturday was our last day of dance practice since we were to perform the next day, Sunday for the church’s 10th-anniversary celebration. I got annoyed by my lovely wicked sister and I have to rant about it! A lot of days, I feel like I hate my sister. She's like the worst person on this planet. I just wish I could switch with someone else cause I would have done it a long time ago. Her friends may think she's nice but she is a terrible person. I'm not gonna say anything but as far as it's life, someone would definitely get her back and I sure hope it's gonna be me.

The slightest chance I get to show her what a terrible person she is, I won't miss it. Unfortunately, I'll have to live with her for years. But that will soon be over. Mark my words, revenge is coming. She ain't a sister but more of a wicked being. And God just had to make her happen in my life. If you knew her as I do, you'd probably say worse things.

Later that evening, we were out riding bicycles when Sandra and her cousin, Emma joined us. We got gisting and talking before I had to go inside and I spent about twenty-five minutes watching tv until I heard almost everyone's voices outside except a few annoying kids. I changed my shorts to jeans and went outside. I met my siblings, Silvia and Emma with Mr Eleven and Mr Fourteen-I mean Max and Tony. So, it turns out that Max is 14 and in 9th grade-I guessed right. So somewhere in the compound, everyone was scattered around playing and talking about different things and I found myself in the middle with Tony and his brother and we had a conversation. It was short but, hey, still a conversation!

"Hey, what grade are you?" I asked Tony and he replied, “Eighth". Wait, we’re in the same grade? "I'm not kidding," I said, not believing him because he looked like a kid meant to be in the same grade as my brother David who's in 6th grade. "I'm also not kidding," he said. Oh, you've got to be kidding me!

"Hold up, so you're eleven and short-no offence and in 8th grade? Unbelievable!" I exclaimed. Then to prove he was in my grade he mentioned a few topics he had done in maths and one of them was the topic for next week in my school. "What? That topic for me is like...I think next week but still, what?" Then he turned to his brother who had been quietly watching us. Sometimes that kid creeps me out. "Max, what grade am I?"

"Grade eight", he replied.

"Okay I can't be twelve going to thirteen and you're eleven going to twelve in 8th grade...oh wait I have a friend like that," I said remembering Ivy. "What grade are you?" Max asked and for a moment I was stunned that he was talking to me. "Eighth," I said. "Wait so you're twelve?" he asked again and I nodded because if I had said a word it'd have been something like 'I...just said that dude'. "And you're in 9th right?" I asked. "Yeah", he replied. Okay.

Next, my sister appeared from nowhere screaming about Silvia chasing us with a stick so we all ran for our lives. When we all got tired and sat down somewhere to talk. We talked about school, annoying teachers, and animals and got to know each other and also about Sophie's brother whose birthday was the next day. When Silvia was talking I kind of tuned her out and focused on how we were all standing. Silvia stood next to my sister who had David by her right and Max at David's right leaving me next to Max, Michael and Tony. Then Max moved to my left and I noticed we both had our arms folded in the same way. He kept moving around me before he finally settled close to me.

Tuning back into the conversation, everyone was talking about the animals and insects they didn't like. "I hate spiders!" Max and I chorused at the same time, we turned to face each other. "You too? I hate them so much" we said again and laughed. Later on, we found out Max is in a boarding school and he was going back tomorrow and returning before Easter. I was kinda sad because I wanted to get to know him more. He left to pack his bag while we all stayed behind talking till sometime around 8:45 pm. We all said bye later cause we'd see each other at the party tomorrow. I silently hoped Max would be there. I needed to check the games he has on his phone and also get to know him better.

On Sunday, we got to church late at 10 am and we were scheduled to perform at 1 pm. We changed early but we had to wait till 3:30 when we presented. IT (the short form of my friend’s name) didn't dance with us but she sang even when she presented the banner we designed but she faced it the wrong way. I almost face-palmed. She didn't dance with us because she wasn't getting the steps right and I can relate to that cause I can't dance, unlike the rest of my siblings. Our choreography is made up of a lot of easy steps which were formed and put together by me and my sister. *sigh* the times when we get along.

Anyway, we had to sing using microphones and that was one thing I didn't want. Why? Because the mics were on stands in front of the choristers of the church who are bullies and jerks. I hate them, all of them, especially their so-called proud Choir master. That guy aggravates me. I remember when I was in choir back in second grade when I was like seven or eight. Those jerks always made fun of me for being the youngest and not being able to understand their language. They still do it just that this time I send them death glares and dare them to try speaking my native language.

Though the only little problem is, I can't speak my native language but I understand it. I know, I know it's really bad but I try not to think about it a lot. I'd talk more about this but it brings back annoying memories so, no. Anyway, the choirmaster came closer to me to hear my voice-obvi!-so I did him a little favour and lip-synced until he passed.....away. Okay, he didn't die he just left. Well, I'm just glad that we had fun after the service when a little party was held with lots of food and drinks.

The next day was Sophie’s brother’s birthday and we went for the party but unfortunately Max and Tony weren't there. I guess Max has gone back to boarding school. *sigh" Mid-term break also ended for me and I had school the next day which is today!

Today is the last day of February and at school, I had a problem or two but it wasn't big. I also ate a lot and couldn't eat much when I got back home which was sometime around 5 pm. I watched TV till 6 pm then went to the kitchen, hearing my brothers' voices. They were in the backyard and the back door led from the kitchen to the backyard and vice versa. "Boys, do you want noddles?" I asked from inside the kitchen.

"Yes," two different voices said, one I recognized and the other I didn't. Okay, that was Michael and another human boy. "Are you sure?" I asked to hear the same voice again and know who it was. "Yes", The same voices replied and I was only able to identify Michael. I opened the back door and saw Tony with my brother, Michael laughing and I screamed shutting the door immediately. Why? I wasn't in the right dress to be seen, I was basically in a long singlet that could pass for a dress but is underwear. I ran upstairs to change before going outside to meet them.

I took my neighbour’s bike and rode around. Then we raced and I came in second, Michael first and Tony third. He had to go home when his mum got back so Michael and I came back in. Now we're watching Twist of Fate but it seems to be getting less interesting. Anyway, I've got to read and write. And today has been kinda stressful and also a bit interesting. I so can't wait for Easter.

Gotta go now, bye!


1. Do have an annoying older sibling like me?

2. Have you ever performed a choreography you learnt?