Unsavory Headlines

Orion had stayed with her for a couple days before he had been called away for an important business meeting that even Caleb had to attend. Caramia promised to take it easy and not to leave Caleb's estate. Even though blood was very much a part of their diet, food was equally as important.

Lyndie had taken care of her, supplying her with a nutritious food, blood, and juice. She finally gained the strength and determination to walk about the house. She would spend hours like she had before in her stepbrother's extensive library. That was where she finally allowed herself to connect to the world again via technology.

The moment she had, she wished she hadn't, because it proved to her what she truly feared.

Orion hadn't sired her, because he actually desired to. No, he had to have done it for Caleb. The kisses they had shared during her turning and the feelings and thoughts had to have been an illusion, because the headlines in the news media sang a different tune.

Pictures of the lady that he had taken with him that fateful night and him were plastered on articles declaring that they were mated. Caramia swallowed, reading all the articles and gossip sites of how their union would make them a powerhouse. Her heart twisted painfully in her chest, but it wasn't like she didn't expect this to happen. The woman was beautiful and obviously worthy by her pedigree accordingly sired by Lord Samson.

Caramia was just Orion's sire and nothing more. She was willing to bet that he wouldn't ever publicly acknowledge that she was his sire. Tears filled her eyes, she knew her place. She wondered if maybe it was time to venture beyond to the other underground cities of Earth and find her place among the other Otherworldly creatures. She had long overstayed her welcome at Caleb's home and disrupted his life.


This was the second glass Orion had thrown in the hotel. He was exhausted by the mandatory meetings and he was in a foul mood after false tales of him and Mercedes being mated. He had only one woman in mind, body, heart, and spirit. The only reason why he put off the mating ritual was because there was too much unfinished business to settle and she was a new fledgling. He wanted her to get used to her newfound body before they established their matebond.

Caleb raised an eyebrow. "I can't say I'm not pleased you're mad about the gossip."

Orion's eyes rolled his eyes before he fixed his eldest friend with a pointed stare. Fine, he could understand the lack of confidence Caleb had over his intentions of establishing a matebond with Caramia. His track record for upholding romantic commitments was usually disastrous, but he never had once mentioned desiring to be mated to any of his past paramours. He had been very transparent with his dealings with romantic and sexual affiliations.

"The only headlines about an established matebond will be with your sister," he told him loud and clear causing Caleb to smirk in reaction, but Orion didn't miss the spark of warmth in them. "I meant everything I said that night." He groaned, glaring at his smartphone as another notification popped up about the farce. "This better not reach her eyes and ears. If it does, I shall force certain every bloody outlet to make a retraction on top of a public apology to her and make the accurate announcement of our matebond."

Currently, Orion and Caleb were sharing a penthouse suite while attending the annual otherworldly conference. If it hadn't been for the fact these meetings were of the utmost importance, he wouldn't have left Caramia's side. He refused to force her quite yet into the public and political fray of his world especially when they had spread all that monstrosity about her and ostracized her. Of course, he hadn't helped with his dealings of her at the time, but he hadn't wished to lead her on.

They were waiting on room service, because both of them had no desire to be out in public to be dragged into conversations with high political figures of each species. There was a knock at the door when Caleb received a phone call. Orion went to let in room service, grateful that it was indeed their food being delivered. As he watched their food wheeled in on a cart, he noticed the grimness darkening his expression.

When their food was deposited on the table and the staff tipped, Orion finally turned to Caleb after the door finally closed. He didn't like the instinctive anxiety mounting as he approached the table to inspect the food, seemingly giving Caleb his privacy.

"She can't be serious," he growled, shaking his head as he walked over to the table. "Rogier, put her on the phone." After a moment, Orion watched him slam down his empty glass on the surface. "She's what? She refuses? For fuck's sake, Rogier stall her. Tell her I'll be returning." Another moment passed before he brought down his fist on the table. "Caramia, don't you dare leave that house!"

Orion's eyes widened at that and then watched as Caleb flung his smartphone on the table. His friend put his hand over his face, shaking his head in frustration.

"She's leaving," Caleb rasped, finally speaking. "Caramia bought a ticket to Merritt Province for NYC." Orion's heart twisted and his immediate response was to depart, but Caleb sighed, grabbing his arm as his body was already reacting. "She'll be gone by the time we get there."

Orion's jaw bunched. "We can beat her to the entry points of Merritt Province." Caleb nodded at that. Relief finally relaxing the strain on his face and that was contagious. "But let me call one person before we book the tickets."

Caleb's eyes narrowed suspiciously before his eyes widened. "Persephone."

"I might be able to catch her before she takes a flight out of Italy with Reginald," he told him, but he couldn't promise she'd be of any help. She had her own duties as the potential mate of Reginald. "I can't promise you that anything will come out of it."

Caleb nodded in understanding, probably already knowing she was accompanying Reginald to his family villa then attending the high society ball after the conference. Orion watched his friend's grim manner return.

The tide was changing. Persephone and their father had encouraged him to sire Caramia and complete the matebond, telling him to bring her about so they could be properly introduced. Caramia would become an adopted sister to her so Orion wasn't quite certain how she'd react.