For The Love Of A Brother...

It was going to be another dreadful House reunion. Derrick Camberia had no desire to attend this affair and the Annual Summit. Being in close proximity to his House was just so taxing and it took a toll on him every time he was summoned. His own saving grace was that he'd have Persephone to keep him sane.

Both of them seemed to band together at these events. They both despised his family with a passion, but he never could truly come clean with her about his true reasons why. When Persephone became his older brother's mate, Reginald would be privy to her thoughts and Reginald could never know the secrets he kept.

He knew what type of person his older brother. He knew what type of wickedness flowed through those veins... and through all of his House's veins. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree. He sighed, knowing the same blood ran in his own veins. How come it was so easy for his brother to fit this wicked role so easily?

Not to say that Derrick was a saint. No, he was far from a saint. He was far from innocent. He was just as guilty, knowing the type of evil his House committed and he just stood off to the side. Like how he stood off to the side watching Reginald get into Persephone's head. He watched the way he talked to her. He watched how he treated her yet he didn't do anything to encourage her to be set free.

There wasn't ever a good time to bring it up. There hadn't been a window of time to *save* her. A part of him wondered if the poor girl wanted to be saved. Caleb had did a number on her. She was far from the girl he used to know at the academy. She had been fire and ice back then and she wielded it like a queen.

Now, she hide behind the walls of her ice fortress. Sometimes, he saw the true her behind the mask she wore when he was allowed to see beneath it. Caleb was her true mate and everyone knew it even Reginald.

He observed Lord Micah and his sister Lady Sylvie of the House of Devonshire, particularly Sylvie, who was being lustfully undressed with his despicable brother's eyes. Persephone had her usual mask on, but it was slipping as she talked on her phone. Then slight agitation flared to the surface.

When she got off the phone, he watched her as she slowed until she completely stopped. Then Reginald was in her face and her mask continued to crack. Fascinating. Perhaps, this flight would actually prove to be eventful.

When Reginald grabbed Persephone's wrist and forced her forward, he almost stepped in. Almost. The fury in his brother's face unsettled him. He couldn't hear what he was saying to her, but his instincts were screaming for him to step in.

Then she yanked her wrist from his brother with her own claws coming out. The mask finally vanished before his very eyes. Wide eyed, Derrick watched the rage in her eyes set everything on fire. What in the world caused that reaction?

Whatever she said caused Reginald to freeze in shock before his own rage erupted. "If you leave here, we're through. There shall be no political alliance between our Houses. We've forged this alliance for a few years now. All that work to establish ourselves as a powerful alliance shall be for nothing, is that truly what you want?"

Oh, sweet mercy. Were they actually...?

"What I truly want isn't even here, Reginald," she snapped. Derrick couldn't believe she spoke those words. Absolutely no filter. Incredible. "My heart was never truly in this nor my body as you so callously remind me."

"If Valient truly desired you, he would've made you his mate," he spat out, causing her to flinch like he slapped her. "He didn't, Persephone. He abandoned you. He didn't want you. I was there. Did you forget? I was there not him to pick up the pieces. Orion will find his mate. Your future is with me not there. Do not make a mistake of turning your back to run to a past that has nothing for you."

"You're wrong. My family isn't nothing to me. They had always been and are my future." She squared her shoulders defiantly. Pride burned through Derrick.

"I won't provide transportation for you."

With that, Reginald turned from her, stomping towards the jet with Lord Micah and Lady Sylvie in tow. Wait, wait. Did that truly happen? Did Persephone just stand up against his brother? Were they truly over now?

Her emerald eyes glanced over at him. He didn't even bother to hide his emotions. He was so bloody proud of this lady. He quirked his eyebrow as he stepped over to her. He couldn't contain his joy. This was her chance to officially boot Reginald from her life and hopefully return to Caleb.

She needed to return to him.

"I will," he said, shrugging his shoulders. Visible relief washed over her body. "I'll call Edmond. He'll pick you up at the entrance." She gazed up at him in shock and he sighed. "I always knew you were too good for my brother, Persephone. If I were you, there is no shame running back to Valient."

She shook her head. "I'm not doing this for him. I'm doing this for my brother and my new sister."

"Of course you are," he murmured, winking at her. "Keep telling yourself that. I see you're still in denial." He shook his head and chuckled. "Well, I'd go if I were you. Go find her before it's too late."

He pulled out his phone to contact Edmond to pick up Persephone. Run, Persephone. Run as fast as you can. Don't ever look back.


Caramia waited for her ride to pull up. Rogier hesitated to assist her to bring her belongings downstairs, but the butler finally gave in when he saw her struggling. She watched a black car pull up to the front of the estate. Telling her to stay put, Rogier went to answer the door when there was a knock. She frowned, hearing voices in the entranceway. Rogier came back to where Caramia was gathering her belongings.

"Lady Caramia, Lady Persephone of the High House of Cristos is here," he announced as he looked her directly in her eyes.

"Per-Persephone?" She couldn't even hide her shock. "Orion's sister?"

Orion's sister had never been cruel like the others with their hurtful words and she had never engaged in gossip. In fact, she was never once introduced to his beautiful and civilized sister, who always seemed to be the epitome of high society vampire socialite without the pettiness.

Caramia's heartbeat raced, wondering why someone like her would call upon her. She had heard through the grapevine that Persephone distested her, because her stepbrother had chosen familial duty over his heart. Persephone had been left heartbroken and betrayed, because Caleb had chosen to seek Caramia after finding out from his father's will that he had a stepsister.

Rogier nodded. "Shall I let her in?"

Caramia could only nod her head and Rogier smiled before he walked back out into the hall to retrieve Persephone. When the enchanting lady followed Rogier into the kitchen, Caramia could only stare at the dark haired goddess with the same mischievous green eyes and smirk as her brother. She swallowed, trying desperately to speak, but words failed to form.

"Shocking, I know," Persephone sighed, flowing towards her in that obviously expensive dress. She took off her hat and gazed at her. "Yes, my brother asked me to come and fetch you, but I needed to see for myself the type of soul you truly are."

"What do you mean?" she finally managed to get out.

"I have..." she paused then sighed. "I may have unfairly prejudged you for factors beyond your control. Since my brother has made it known to myself and my father that he wishes to establish a matebond with you, I wish to know you on a more intimate level and I cannot do that if you're running away to the Merritt Province."

"He's mated to someone else," Caramia spoke up, trying not to choke on her words. Persephone was definitely an intimidating and powerful presence just like her brother. "It's all over the headlines."

"Absolutely trash, my dear," she said with a sigh as if she was bored. "Those headlines are for the gossip hounds. Mercedes Delacroix will not be invited into the High House of Cristos. In fact, the only one that can claim they are indeed freshly invited is you. You are Orion's sire, are you not? He cleaned your blood and did a transfusion, did he not?"

"He-He did," she stammered, flustered by Persephone's questioning. "I-I just thought he didn't wish to have anything to do with me especially if he was newly mated."

"Only you and my brother share the same blood now," she told her, staring directly in her eyes. Caramaria remembered the exact same words Orion had said echoed by his sister. "He wouldn't sire nor establish a matebond unless it was his own desire. You are who he desires and he wants you to come to Paris. Come, join me, I shall bring you there and you shall see yourself." Her eyes speared her. "Besides, it seems as though you're quite ready to travel, are you not?"

Of course, that pointed look Persephone gave her with an elegantly arched eyebrow was intimidating. Orion's sophisticated sister turned on her heel and walked out, leaving Caramia to stare after the lady in shock. Had Orion sent his sister to collect her like an errant child?

She noticed Rogier peer into the kitchen, clearing his throat. She eyed Caleb's butler as he gave her meaningful look towards Persephone's direction.

"Your belongings have been placed in Lady Persephone's car," he informed her then leaned closer to her. "She doesn't like to be kept waiting, Lady Caramia. I would hasten to follow her lead."

Not wanting to be under Persephone's wrath, she quickly rushed after Orion's sister. When she joined her in the luxury car, she watched as the estate slowly disappeared as they departed.