Behind Vices & Masks

Caleb grumbled, watching Orion leave him to his own devices. His eyes shifted to the whiskey bottle in front of him and sighed. He wasn't going to indulge in losing himself in a drunken stupor. He had dealt with enough of that more than once. He had drunk heavily after leaving Persephone and even more so after hearing that she'd taken up with Reginald Camberia.

That vampire was a pompous and arrogant soul. Ever since Orion choose him to be his best friend over Reginald, Reginald had despised him with a passion and the feeling was mutual. It didn't help that Reginald had worshiped Persephone before she also eventually choose Caleb all those years ago at the academy. Twice rejected by the High House of Cristos must've been a low blow, but the obnoxious vampire had torn him apart, maliciously parading the only one he ever held a torch for. He could tell Persephone wasn't happy.

If it hadn't been for his drive to find Caramia, he would've succumbed to it, drowning in it. He learned to move on, but he wondered if he truly moved on if he truly never let go. He still carried that pocket watch she had inscribed for him as a graduation gift. Perhaps, he was only treading water and bidding time.

He reached into his pocket, dragging the pocket watch out. The metal was smooth in his hand. One side was engraved with his family's crest, but the other side shattered him every time. He flipped it over to gaze at her words of adoration. You shall always be my moon, because even during the rise of the sun, the moon still exists. Squeezing his eyes shut at the rush of pain, his hand curled around the last token of her that he kept. He couldn't bear to part with it, because it reminded him of a bittersweet moment in time when she belonged only to him.

Quickly shoving the pocket watch back in his pocket, he glanced over at his smartphone, knowing she hadn't responded yet he still hoped. He sighed, glaring at the bottle Orion left before he forced himself off the sofa. Hiding from his emotions only made things worse, he decided keeping sober was the best path even if he regretted it by the end of it all.


Caramia stared up at the private jet in awe. When they were dropped off at this secured building, she didn't know what to think. People rushed out to assist them, collecting their bags from the trunk. Persephone beckoned her to follow her and she rushed after her, accompanying her as they took an elevator up to the 'earth' level. Rays of sunshine filtered through the window. It had been a long time since Caramia was allowed to see the world during the daytime with sunshine. It took her a moment for her eyes to adjust to the brightness, but she followed after Persephone as they made their way through the building.

They took an escalator down into a hangar where she was now staring up at the jet. Realizing Persephone was walking up the steps into the jet, she rushed after her not wanting to be left alone. She boarded the jet and stopped short at the layout of seats, tables, a sofa with a large television in front of it... and was that a bed in the back? Shocked, her mouth dropped, taking in the obviously luxurious world of the Cristos family.

"Are you feeling weak, Caramia?" Persephone called out to her, drawing her attention. Caramia noticed her seated on the crimson sofa with a stewardess standing beside her. "You should probably refresh yourself with a glass of blood and a meal. Do you like sushi?"

Caramia swallowed, nodding her head in agreement. "Sure, that would be great."

"Perfect." Persephone smiled in satisfaction before she glanced up at the stewardess. "We'll both have a glass of wine, a glass of tart cherry juice, a rainbow roll, a Philadelphia roll, and miso soup."

"Right away, Lady Persephone."

The stewardess quickly rushed to the back to put in their order. Caramia walked to the sofa and sat down at the opposite end not wanting to disturb Orion's sister. Biting her bottom lip, she watched as Persephone stretch then sigh. The beauty checked her smartphone, growling and rolling her eyes in disgust before she tossed it on the sofa.

Emerald eyes met hers and Persephone gave her a waned smile. There was exhaustion and sadness haunting those green depths. The dark haired goddess watched her for a moment as if she was analyzing her.

"They're going to eat you alive if you let them," she told Caramia boldly, but there wasn't nonchalance nor disgust nor anger in her tone or words. For once, her words weren't delivered in a bored tone. "They will have their words and opinions no doubt so let them have them, Caramia. I'm certain you've noticed an inherited family trait of... sheer indifference, but a Cristos is anything but indifferent. We keep our opinions locked behind our masks of indifference so they can never get a glimpse of who you truly are. That is your power, your secret weapon. We are a master of facade. We never show our hands, my dear. That's how we survive this cruel society and world."

Caramia's eyes widened at her confession, swallowing thickly at the intensity of her gaze and the weight of her words. Persephone continued to pin her with those familiar eyes just like he had and she wondered if that was the true hidden Cristos' traits -- intensity and power.

"You're addressing me without your mask," she told Persephone.

Persephone smirked. "You're family, Caramia. I don't hide my true nature with the people I trust," she told her, surprising her with her words. "You love my brother without hesitation even when he gave no indication he'd ever return your feelings. You fear that you'll never be enough for him, because that's what they want you to believe. If you let them, they will tear you apart and eat you alive, but you're not catering to their opinions. Remember, the only opinions that should matter is the ones you trust and most importantly, your own opinion." Her eyes narrowed. "You trust Orion, correct?"

"Of course," Caramia responded as if on reflex and instinct.

"When he tells you his emotions, those are real. Trust in his words, because he will come for you and hunt you down if you still attempt to run from destiny. When he shared his blood with you, he showed his true intentions and his devotion for you."

Persephone glanced away, spotting the stewardess coming with their tray of food and drink. Caramia reflected on her words and she remembered what he had said when she awoke changed.

Nobody will ever have the same type of blood as us. I don’t think you truly understand. Nobody has ever drank my blood -- only you. If you ever doubt how I feel about you, remember that you are the only one that has my blood flowing through your very veins. Remember that.

Quickly snapping out of her thoughts, she accepted the tray from the stewardess with a strained smile. The stewardess placed her glasses of blood and tart cherry juice on the side table beside her. When the woman left, Persephone eyed her curiously before she gave a pointed look to her food.

"Eat," she told her. "You need your energy. You aren't a weak soul so stop playing the part. You are Lady Caramia Valient of the High House Of Cristos. You bow to no one."