
That was what she really thought?

Rage burned through Caleb's veins. He growled, shaking his head. He wasn't like Reginald. He never believed she was fucking disposable and he never moved on. What was she on about?

After wrestling with the elevator, he managed to get it to return to the floor that she got off on, but she was nowhere in sight. He refused to return to the suite that he was sharing with Orion. Well, not yet. He knew Orion and his stepsister needed their privacy right now. He took the elevator back down and headed to the bar.

So what?

He failed to stay sober.

He tried. He really did, but after that, he needed something strong. As he passed through the entrance, he ran right into Dimitri Cristos, Persephone and Orion's father. Dimitri eyed him, searching his eyes before he took a deep breath in and out.

"You look like you need a drink," Dimitri remarked wryly.

Caleb sighed. "I do need one. Badly."