
"We're sharing a hotel suite, Persephone," Orion chuckled dryly, shutting the door solidly behind him to Persephone's dismay. "I can't help when he shows up."

"But I specifically told--"

"Is there a problem?" Caleb cut in, interrupting her.

Persephone's back stiffened at his voice. After her remarks to Caleb last night and his to her, she had no desire to be in his presence. Her break from decorum caused this *problem* not that their situation wasn't already complicated... and delicate. She remember how he had looked so angry last night. With the way his eyes intensely regarded her, she knew he had no intentions of pretending it didn't happen.

Why was he so angry at her words? Were they not truth? If anything, she revealed too much of her shattered heart. She didn't need him thinking she was weak and pathetic. The problem with her icy exterior is that she never healed after he broke her. She never got over him and she bitterly despised him for getting over her.