Finer Points

Father had called for a mediwitch. Lord Apollo seemingly knew who to contact and they were now waiting for this witch to show up. Orion had helped the others pull Derrick's body to the sofa. His eyes took in the darkening skin of his injured hand. It looked bad. Derrick looked real bad. The witch better get here quickly or there would be nobody left to cure.

There was rapid knocking upon the door and the witch was let in. Her puffy dark hair bounced by, trailing after her as she rushed straight to Derrick. Orion didn't even see her silver eyes hiding behind huge glasses until she glanced around anxiously. There seemed to be unshed tears within her eyes are she worked upon Derrick. When she dipped a cloth into a bowl of silvery liquid, he watched as she took it out and placed it upon Derrick's ravaged hand.