
When the door was closed shut upon the old couple’s departure, the somewhat loving atmosphere between Chi Rulan and Shang Ming disappeared. The two separated and lapsed into a weird silence.

Chi Rulan was tired from the long drive and thinking of a way forward with this new attachment to his side. Releasing a heavy sigh, he placed Shang Ming’s suitcase on the bed and pointed out the bathroom door.

“I’ll sleep on the sofa. It’s a Murphy bed. Are you hungry?” he asked. His attention was on setting up his bed and putting away his things in the closet.

Shang Ming gave a quiet response of ‘no’ and pulled out packaged cakes and bread along with two fruit drinks from her handbag.

“Okay. I’ll be back.” Chi Rulan left the room without taking an extra look at her. He was too immersed in his thoughts to notice Shang Ming’s uneasy expression.