Chapter 26

Zhangqian empire

It was just early morning, the town was in a celebration as always. The market square was lively, sellers and buyers negotiated for the prices of different stuffs.

There were different things that were been kept on the wooden stalls for sale. From gaudy hanfus, to bone hairpins and different kinds of buyaos [1].

The people of Zhangqian were known to live a life of peace and happiness. There was enough to eat and drink, they lacked nothing.

Far in the western part of the capital was the imperial palace whose red roof was gleaming due to the morning sun.

Inside the throne room, Cai Tianai was standing down the dais looking at her father and mother from below.

Emperor Cai Huateng could tell from her words that she was not happy. In fact, ever since Cai Ruolan’s wedding, Cai Tianai had been annoyed and unhappy. For the first two days, she locked her self inside her room not wanting to talk to anyone, not even her father or mother.