Chapter 116

Cai Tianai was already engaged in a lighthearted conversation with the fellow travelers inside the carriage.

There were four men in the carriage, along with a heavily pregnant young woman whom she had earlier cracked a lot of jokes with.

Three of the men were merchants, who were going to sell off their goods at Huexiang, while the fourth man was just going to visit a family who resides at Huexiang.

The pregnant woman whose name was Fu Fenfang was an extremely kind woman, she told Cai Tianai about how life was for her.

One would think that Cai Tianai and Fu Fenfang were old friends, with the way they easily got along with each other, since they were the only female travelers there.

“I am going to Huexiang to meet my mother, that’s where I’m going to have my baby” Fu Fenfang told her, as she rubbed her tummy.

Cai Tianai was amused, if only she never had a miscarriage, perhaps her stomach would’ve start growing bigger.