Chapter 144

The day finally broke after a very long night, Cai Ruolan who was awake for the past two hours was downstairs with the Grand Empress and Xie Peizhi.

It was Grand Emperor Xie Mingze’s birthday and that day was no joke.

Countless letters of invitations were already sent to people from far and wide, it was the Grand Emperor of Huexiang’s fifty seventh birthday and people with prestige were expected.

Cooking and wine and tea brewing was started the previous day, and Cai Ruolan had been busy since she was the one giving out instructions to the maids.

She and Xie Peizhi were both with the maid servants at the Kitchen and watched how they prepared the pork, which was one of the food the Grand Emperor wanted to be prepared with extreme care.

Cai Ruolan was already getting tired and even sleepy, her head ached and that was when she realized that she had been ill due to her to her pregnancy.