(Dhiya's view)
[Few hours before Ankita's call....]
"I've told you once that you'll need me one day for sure" Ankita said as we both sat facing each other in my cabin.
"Lot of things happened Anki, I just don't know how to handle all these. I feel like losing myself completely" I said and wiped my tears each time.
"Just calm down a bit Dhiya. Is something between you and Rohit?"
"So..it's Aadhi...isn't it?" She asked directly looking into my eyes. I hung my head down as I felt bad to face her.
"Sorry that I didn't share those things with you...I should have.."
"Hmm...it's okay as I am now here for you and still have time to listen" she said and smiled.
I gathered all those things in mind and spent the next half an hour explaining them to Ankita. She was observing everything as if I was telling a movie story for the entire time.
"Hm...so you just confessed your love indirectly to Aadhi, right?" She asked finally when I finished my entire story.