Finding the Fire


Ultimately, the point of rest is so that you may rise up again.

It was not the roosters that woke them up, nor the conflict of neighbours---well, it may just be that technically.

Soft eyes take in the sight of the wall, and unprepared ears settle for the sound of the sides of argument just outside.

She turns around, and oh was it too early for this too!

Turns out she was slower to the draw, her feline companion was already by the window, eyes to the commotion, focused as they were with his ears swaying across with every word. Was that intentional? It doesn't feel intentional.

Sluggish, and heavy, an attack in her brain left her dizzy and disoriented for a moment when she stood up. Only for a moment and everything clarifies itself. She walked across the room and to the window, where the feline had already adjusted for her.

There were five people on the cobblestone road directly in-front, three were armored, the other two being the owner and a sleepy-looking bartender by his side. All of these men really had the balls to rouse up people?

But one was familiar--perched atop a fine horse adorned with what looks like exquisite material hidden beyond some fanciful apparel for it. That doesn't come cheap. The man was, unmistakably, Baron Illen. His helmet gave it away, none else dared a draconic skull be integrated with a standard closed helmet. It wasn't too drawn out to be weird and impractical, it actually looked cool. It was as if he had wanted to cosplay the Dark Knight archetype the kids were fuzzing about these days. Though, why were they here?

-Elysia's PoV-

"?No scouts? Did none of your men really see it? It was a dragon, Belfhir! A dragon! You're telling me YOU haven't seen it"

And so does the opulence of man corrupt them, the Baron spoke heartily and with a strong passion for violence that a single poke of an armored finger to the Owner's chest was enough to set him back a step. He was pissed. His wife must be jealous with this obsessive jest for dragons:3

"Well, sir--it was really dark that night and no one really works in the night."

Surprisingly, Belfhir managed to bullshit his way through. Or atleast send his bullshit through without being knocked out in the middle of it. His words, he sounded confident when he has no place to be.

I think that's what saved him. These types of men didn't like weak people, and Belfhir was far from weak.

He'd rip doors right through if they were locked and it had beer on the other side.

Beer sucks, but I wouldn't blame him.

Even the most experienced of drunkards wouldn't be able to resist the charm of a good ol' beer.

Cheap, dirty, accessible and conveniently easy to produce and acquire, that's just accessible in another whole hosts of words.

That's interesting though.

Beer is dirty, it sucks ass, and you'd only think about how quick it can make you drunk not how flavory it is.

In fact, I think that's what they mean with a good ol' beer, how fast they'd actually be smashed than it's taste. That's interesting, different items, different metri-


Huh, Silo?

I turn to face him, he missed me already? I'm besides him, for Il's sake.


It's important to keep yourself cool anyways, even if the Sun barely rose up and your hair gets all over and how dry your mouth is just becoming---why did they have to be so lou--

That's fine.

Silo pointed at the window with a finger, claw drawn so it taps against the glass quite audibly. His eyes however kept locked at mine. Huh, he likes me now?

Looking back and through the window, confused. No one is at the cobblestone road where the five men were at earlier. Surely this isn't a dream. That WAS the Baron with his weird fancy-shmuck helmet and fancier horsey, right?


Nothing a pinch to the cheek won't cure--and it does nothing.

What the hell?

"They already left. Headed to the mountain, dragons like..high places so, yeah. I--uhm--I just have a confession about all this..."

The silly feline deemed it a good time to confess?

Weird of him.

I need to prepare, no, we need to.

That bastard is off to kill another dragon for Il knows why and all I have is a cat who saw it more important to share his feelings.

"I...saw it. The Dragon, last night. I saw where it was headed...Do you think..that, erm, maybe we co-could save it?"


In a flash, as I was putting on my cloak, I looked back at Silo with disbelief, curiousity and my confidence in him all bolstered.

"It won't save itself."

And at that, a smile flashed to him. He deserves it. Remind me to treat him on the way back.

As the morning started to settle in, both Elysia and Silo had their gear sorted up and about. Breakfast was rather normal when such standard is that suitable for a rural province. Fruits, bread and a hot drink. The day was only about to get hotter.

The two shared words with each other and did naught with the Bartender and the other silent figures minding their day and some drinking in preparation for what could only be described as a hard day. Atleast they have something alike with the other patrons.

Their abrupt exit out of the tavern and out of the hamlet garnered no suspicious ire that they could feel themselves. In the eyes of other people, they were just some Adventurers setting about for the day, for a long journey ahead. It helps that it was the time that people normally woke up. Normally.

Supply aplenty, a river crossing, a fallen tree and the trail losing were all problems remediated. Speed was a complaint.

The river, no qualms to swim and no gear too heavy for them, the tree they can walk over, and the trail, the feline could remediate with his heightened senses, a boon for any tracker.

He's getting better.

But speed, walking was slow. A horse would've been preferable but it's impossible to afford one for them.

Plus the time for such thought has passed.

They were hours on, and overlooking a hill, they would now thank themselves they were early.

Beyond sits a large ruin, one that was all too familiar for Elysia.

"The Archives of Seian. The world's most precious books gone in a single raid. And what few survived were stolen. And what remained ruined, now a nest."

Her words come through almost that mimicking of a prophet. It was her way of extending her knowledge to Silo, and extending her own knowledge in that same breadth.

The large expanse of the ruins was a perfect fit for an equally large behemoth.

A dragon.

In all it's majesty.

They were here first.

We were here first.

-Silo's PoV-


In a single world, it was massive. I had never seen...a creature like it, and I had never ever conceived the thought of seeing one. Up until earlier. No, last night, if I was being true to myself.

It was easy to track it down, what it smelling like magic and the powder the fireworks were imbued with last night. Awful smell. Didn't help, no no.

As we came closer and closer, so too does our pace slow down. We left all of our supplies back on the hill so they don't slow us down. Someone or something could definitely steal it, but Ely said it won't happen. But I'm pretty sure it will.

I reach out to grab her hand, instead, landing on her wrist and that made both of us stop.

She looked back at me, inquisitive, she...for a moment, she looked fierce and ready to strike me, but then her eyes eased up in a way that soothed me.

Words were too precious. I understand.

I shake my head and we continue.

As we near, not everything around the Dragon was ruined. There were chests, wardrobes, closets, and even shelves. I heard they


hoard gold, but not wooden furniture and books. It made a bed out of paper and cover as well as what looked like parchment.


Ely had said. Even in one word, I could tell she was flabbergasted. Hm? Was it such a surprise? Maybe it just wasn't finding any gold.

She looked back at me, nodding once and then shaking off my hand from her wrist.


Elysia walked ahead, doubling her steps to set some distance between us quickly.

I froze.

She fearlessly approached the Dragon, her low figure nearing a crouch and every step of hers soundless against the morning gaze.

She approached

And approached.

Closer and closer, and I can feel my hair rising.

Isn't that close? Too close?

It didn't seem that way for her. She was already in point-blank range from it's head and then, and then softly, she stopped.

And then, she placed her hand on the middle of its nostril.

A soft blue haze glowed soon after

And it felt like the whole world started to shake.