Chapter 33: Preparation

We immediately saw Keisha's dad as well as her mother. They both stand in front of the automatic glass door. As well as the other employees welcoming Max and Seb's dad as a business partner of the company. There was still time to arrange things so the partner went to Keisha's dad's office.

I recommend to the four of them go upstairs as well Sebastian but they refuse and said they will help us. As soon as Mr. Alonzo goes upstairs Jeanette walks toward us. All the employees dress up nicely and in formal attire. It is an important event for both companies so we all went and get ready.

" You look good, Jean." Kiel compliments Jeannette as his eyes glow with admiration. " As you Kiel, it's the first time saw you in formal attire. You look, man." Jean responds to Kiel's compliment.

" All of you dress up nicely huh, you guys really into it," Jean said to us as she look at Sebastian just like how I looked at Seb just minutes ago.

" You know we need to dress up, Dad will go upset if I didn't," Maxine replies to Jean.

" Oh that's right, you looking to Sebastian a while now. He's my younger brother." Max said to Jean when she notice that Jean looking at Sebastian.

" He will melt if you stare at him so hard, don't you think? I rather if you only look at me, honey." Kiel tease Jean and wink at Jeanette as he said those words.

" He's good looking than you, I rather look at Angel btw."

" Why I suddenly went at your guy's conversation?" I ask as I heard my name.

" That's because I love you!" Jean winks at me and I instantly look at Keisha.

" Wait, back at the conversation, what did you say Max? Your younger brother? You had a brother? Since when?" Jean suddenly asks so many questions.

" Why I suddenly got deja vu." Sebastian suddenly talks and I choke on what he said that's because I know he's talking about me.

" Off topic but you're just not good looking you also had a nice deep manly voice." Jean talks as she admires Sebastian and so Kiel suddenly speaks.

" C'mon, we need to get ready, don't slack. We have so much work today, I'm here to help not to look at you guys flirting." And so I tease Kiel.

"Looks like someone is getting jealous huh?" I tease Kiel as I push him.

" He's right, we had so much work, you guys flirt later." I heard Keisha's voice.

" That's right, let's go." Kiel laughed at my response and said "Looks like someone is scared of their girlfriend huh?" Kiel looks at me as he teases me. What I heard made me furious 'cause I'm worried that maybe someone heard what he said.

" Kiel your voice!! I will punch you!!! I will make sure to aim your chin!!!" I shout to Kiel while clenching my fist.

" Uh yeah, that's right let's go already and help others haha," Kiel said as he walk and pulled Jean's hands.

"Let's go," Max said to us as she walks where Kiel and Jean's direction. "Wait for me guys" Sebastian also follows up with his sister.

I speak to Keisha in a calm and low voice. " Let's go Kei" I reach for her hand and give her a gentle smile. We walk where they all go.

Getting ready while having a teasing conversation, Sebastian catches up with us and passes the vibe. The sibling also had their conversation about Sebastian wanting to live here. As for Jeanette and Kiel, all their chatter is about Kiel flirting with Jean.

Keisha and I talk about our next date. We promise each other to go rest and eat dinner after this business event, but after that, we need to drink. Before it was just five of us but now, we're six. Sebastian just enter adult life just a year ago so I don't know if he can liquor up.

" Gel, what about I stay over at your house for about a week?" Keisha unexpectedly come out with an idea that made me raise my voice when I heard her query.

" What?" The four of them look at us as well as my other co-workers.

" Ahem, I mean what? Are you serious?" I said with a low voice looking like I'm whispering.

"Of course, I am, I miss you so much, and because of work we didn't have so much time to spend," Keisha said to me as she smiled.

"Yeah, I miss you so much. Let's discuss this after the event okay? Let's bear it just for a couple of hours." I said while touching her face.

" Y'know guys if you're going to flirt in front of others they will notice," Kiel said to us when he saw me touching Keisha's face.

" Shut up, focus on your own," I said to Kiel as he smile and I got reddish, blushing at what he said.

And so on the preparation got ready as soon as possible thanks to others. Because all people at the company help so it finished at the right time. After we finish the other's rest and sit down for a while, I let the others rest before I call the CEO as well as the other CEO of the company.

Minutes later I went upstairs and knock on the CEO's office door to inform them that the preparation is already ready. They all went downstairs with me, and all are ready so the event start now.