Chapter 44: They're coming back

I slept last night with Jeanneth at my side, I woke up while I was hugging a person, it was Jean. I slowly opened my eyes, I was blinded by the light from the sun. I'm so tired, I didn't have a chance to rest yesterday, it was supposed to be a rest day but unfortunately, we have a client. I don't want to go to work right now but I need, damn... So much work to do. I even thought if I finish my studies I don't need to do work, but damn I was wrong, so tired right...

I was talking to myself out loud when I woke up Jean. "Good morning gel, what's wrong it's too early for that," Jean said, touching her face and looking at me. "Not too early for me, good for you, you still have time to get ready, not for me. As you know Mr. Alonzo will get mad when I'm not there. I will take a bath first." I said and stood up from the bed.

After I took a bath I went to my room and started dressing up, after that I woke up Jean so she could also ready and eat breakfast before going to work. "Jean, wake up, there's still food in the fridge to eat before taking a shower," I said while tapping her to wake her up. "ugh, yes yes yes," she said as she went to the side. "Wake up already, can you? I will go to work now go get your ass up." I said as I smack her ass.

I walked out of the room and took my shoes while putting my shoes on I shouted, "Wake up Jean! I'm going out" and she answered, "Yeah, I'm already awake, take care love." I giggle when I hear love, this girl my gad.

I would love to pass on the cafe but I don't have enough time to get a coffee maybe next time.

So with that, I went straight to the company, I don't why but I suddenly thought about Keisha and Kiel. What do you think they doing right now? Are they doing well? I miss them, hope they also think about me...

As I was driving I saw Sebastian, I don't know what he's doing but I called him out. "Sebastian Alonzo, what you doing?" He looked at me as he heard his name. "Sis, morning going to work this early?" he asked, I stopped at the side as we talked. "Yeah, so what do you do here?" I asked him once again. "Just buying for my girlfriend." He said as he lifted what he bought. "Okay, Sorry I don't have time to chat with you, maybe next time, bye." I turned on my engine and started driving straight where I was going.

I parked my motor and saw a car that a unfamiliar, did we have a client that I didn't know? After I parked my motor I worked my feet to see who was in the company, my heart started beating so fast, I was nervous, what if we have a client and I didn't know? Mr. Alonzo would get mad at me if we had and I still did not arrive.

As I entered I saw a young man, standing clean, clenched fist and a straight posture. I did my work so I asked what his business was right now if he had an appointment with Mr. Alonzo.

"Hello, good morning sir, may I ask what's your business here? Do you have an appointment with Mr. Alonzo?" I spoke to him as I looked down concerning him. "Uh, yeah I have an appointment with my father-in-law, is he already here?" He asked me. Father-in-law? Is he serious? Isn't Keisha is Mr and Mrs Alonzo's only child?

Damn, this man right now in my sight is good-looking, he also has a manner as he talked.

"Let me check if Mr. Alonzo is already here, just wait sir," I said, nodded, and looked back to call upstairs to ask if Mr. Alonzo was already there.

"Good morning, Luna, Has Mr Alonzo arrived already?" "Okay, thank you."

"I'm so sorry sir but seems like Mr. Alonzo still hasn't arrived, you can wait here or do you want me to assist you to his office while you're waiting," I said with full politeness as I suggested to him where to wait

"It's okay, I'm okay here. I will wait here, thank you, you can continue your work." I just nodded and went upstairs.

What a destiny, well good for Keisha, I think she went into a nice hand. I smile as I remember once she said what her ideal man, well she achieved it. Good for her

Minutes later Mr. Alonzo arrived, I saw him with the guy, and they both went to Mr. Alonzo's office, I minded my own business and went to organize the paperwork and do all the things I needed to do. Hours passed, and they were done talking, I saw them walking through my office. While checking the papers Mr Alonzo knocked on my door and made me follow him.

"Lock the door, there's something I want to discuss with you." He said as he sat down, I sat down at the chair in front of him.

I swallowed my saliva as I was waiting for what the boss wanted to talk about.

"As you know I already know your relationship with my daughter, it is also 2 years from now on so I think it's okay to tell you this." I didn't flinch, I didn't even talk or reply to what he said

"If you already saw the guy and seems like you already talked with him. He's Keisha's husband." "He said that Keisha will go back here." He added.

I looked into his eyes wondering why he was telling me if Keisha was going to come back so I decided to ask why. "I don't want to be rude, but sir why are you telling me this?" I ask and wait for his reply

"I know we got some issues, but I look at you as my daughter as well, I know how you love her. As I said it's been years now but I'm worried about how will you react if you see her. I just want to tell you this cause I know you have a business here as her friend, co-worker, and even ex-girlfriend. I'm also reflecting on your feelings."

I smile as I hear what he says, well he's right so that mind does. "Thank you, sir, if that's what we need to talk, please excuse me." I slightly bowed my head in respect, looked back, and walked away from his office.

That conversation I had with Mr. Alonzo sank into my head but then I heard my phone make a noise, and someone sent me a message. I checked my phone and Sebastian sent me a message "Hi sis, I know it is still your work hours but let's meet up after you have done your work. I'll send the location." judge from the tone, and context I think I know what might we have conversation.

I texted him back and the context is I agreed, I looked at the location he sent and well, I knew it so I went back to do the paperwork I needed to do, hours passed and finally my shift was done, I went straight where resto Sebastian sent me. Not too long after I arrived, I assumed that Seb and I would only be going to talk but then I saw Jean so I ran as I saw her. I welcome her with a hug.

"Sis, I'm also here. Can you hug me also?" he said as he opened up his arms waiting for my hug. I hugged her and sat down on the empty chair. " Let's be straightforward, what do you want to talk about Seb?" I asked him waiting for his reply if he would answer my question directly.

"Big sis Maxine is going come back here!!" he said and gave us a big smile. "MAXINE??- oops my voice sorry, Max? She is going home?!?" I asked as the people looked at me when I raised my voice. " Yes, she said that her wedding is going to happen here. She also said that her fiancee suggested it." I looked the both of them and hugged them, "I'm so happy right now!" I had a big smile on my face as I received the beautiful news.

"Don't be happy for now, there's still news," Jean said

"If it's about Keisha, I already know it," I said as I fixed my chair to sit down. "You already know that Keisha is going come home also? Who said to you?" Sebastian asked me as he was shocked at what he heard. "My boss, he said it to me," I said to them "Uncle did? Oh well, I didn't expect it. Oooh here's what we ordered, hope you like what we ordered for you," he said as he took the plate and place it in our table.

We ate happily as the news made our day, I miss Maxine so much, I'm so happy....