

As Al Mahdi and Isa, the Prophet and Messiah, stood in awe, a brilliant light descended from the heavens to merge with The Spirit. This phenomenon was known as The White Soul, a celestial entity whose arrival signaled a tremendous increase in their already formidable abilities. The light that descended upon them was named The Methuselah Star, an embodiment of immense cosmic power, and their strength is unified without being lost so their strength and speed remain the same and always active at all without time restrictions because their ability transcends the laws of time.

After the previous fight, The White Spirit spoke, "Dajjal, endowed with the complete potency of The Spirit, possessed a transcendental power that surpassed the confines of duality, non-duality, logic, reality, and unreality. In the binary realm where 1 represents true, false, not false, not true, neither true nor false, and incomprehensible, Dajjal embodied the epitome of abstraction, a singular force that manifested chaos itself when engaged in conflict with Isa. Alas, with their fateful encounter, that extraordinary ability was irretrievably forfeited, forever lost to the annals of time, even as he transcends all laws of cause and effect with an enhanced ability, does absolutely nothing and stays lost."

The White Soul has an extraordinary capacity to transform and govern or encompass fundamental powers who is governor of life or death, or neither, which include mortality or death also, direction, reason, law, vitality, morality, desire, emptiness, acoustics, combustion, hydration, cause and effect, probability, dream realization, temporal stasis, gravitational influence, chaos (like destruction and darkness), prophecy, obscurity, aging, dreamland, thermal regulation, illusion, illumination, biological processes, silence, nothingness, cryogenesis, metallic properties, binding, quantum mechanics, atomic structure, filaments, vibrations, electromagnetism, predetermined outcomes, spatial and temporal domains, space-time continuum, fauna, information constructs, poisons, technological advancement, subversion of technological protection, stellar collapse and its antithesis, emotional spectrum, natural world, infinity, and dimensional framework. This power extends to all elements within the uncharted cosmos, which this entity can command at will. The White Soul commands meteorological phenomena, exerting control over the earth sphere under its rule, including geological formations and the information architecture that sustains the world. The White Soul has the ability to modify the fundamental principles of physics, mathematics, philosophy, and every other intellectual discipline. The White Soul can nullify the power wielded by disobedient humans, reduce it, and then absorb this power as a new source of energy. The White Soul possesses phenomenal regeneration capabilities, allowing instantaneous recovery even at the moment of complete cessation of its existence, so much so that even fundamental processes will cease to function, yet regeneration will still occur. Finally, the totality of its abilities and functions undergo synergistic reinforcement, elevating it to a superior, extraordinarily extraordinary and infinite state at the moment of absorption of wrathful energy. This can also happen no matter what, even if there is a person who is able to erase something that is already nothingness, nothingness and state, it will have no effect, rather the White Soul will take that power and take it out of that being's hands, then it is part of it.

With the fusion of The White Soul, their powers expanded exponentially. They became conduits of the Controller of Imagination, an entity that existed within the vast realms of nothingness, material, energy, soul, space, time, information, concepts, laws & rules, reality & unreality, and the intricate balance between them all. Even the Source of Everything, the very foundation of existence at a conceptual level, including the very concept of power itself, was now under their sway.

The White Soul, through its infinite wisdom and divine essence, possessed the ability to exist as a higher dimensional being, traversing infinite higher dimensions or reducing itself to zero dimensions as it pleased. It held dominion over the world, perceiving it as a grand narrative who writes the plot of the whole world and the universe, each detail meticulously penned down. The script of reality unfolded according to the whims of The White Soul, where destiny, birth, age, illness, and even death were under its authorial control.

Once the story's ending was set, no effort could alter its course. All endeavors to change the predetermined narrative were rendered futile. The White Soul's authority extended beyond the realms of storytelling; it commanded absolute control over Space and Time, capable of manipulation and destruction at will. Those who dared harm the Messiah and the final Caliph would witness the wrath of a radiant energy so potent that it could extinguish life itself.

Moreover, The White Soul held sway over the realms of death, logic, law, life, morality, desire, void, sound, fire, water, causality and many more.

Al Mahdi and Isa, in their wisdom, contemplated the magnitude of the power bestowed upon them. They conversed in hushed tones, acknowledging the weight of their responsibility and the need for tempered use of their newfound abilities. They own the power of The White Soul was not to be wielded recklessly but with utmost care and discernment. With the power of The White Soul, Al Mahdi and Isa Al-Masih are equipped with intelligence that is extradionary genius, even beyond genius.

Al Mahdi spoke first, his voice filled with reverence, "Isa, my brother in faith, the power we have received is immense. We must remember that with great power comes great responsibility. Let us tread this path with humility, guided by the divine wisdom that flows through us."

Isa nodded, his eyes gleaming with a deep understanding, "Indeed, Al Mahdi, we must remain steadfast in our purpose. The power of The White Soul is not meant for personal gain or manipulation. It is a gift entrusted to us for the betterment of humanity. We must use it to bring about peace, justice, and enlightenment."

Their conversation continued, words flowing between them like a dance of wisdom and insight. They delved into the depths of their shared understanding, exploring the intricate balance between power and restraint. They resolved to harness the power of The White Soul absolutely, not succumbing to its allure but remaining steadfast in their devotion to the true Lord and the divine purpose for which they were chosen.

As the chapter came to a close, Al Mahdi and Isa stood united, ready to embark on a journey that would redefine the course of history. With The White Soul's power pulsating within them, they set forth to fulfill their sacred mission, to lead humanity towards a future bathed in divine light and guided by the principles of righteousness and love.

As the rays of the rising sun pierced through the dawn, Isa Al-Masih and Al Mahdi, at the forefront of millions of Muslim troops, stood tall upon the hill, their presence commanding awe and admiration.

Isa, his eyes gleaming with determination, raised his voice, his words resonating across the vast army, "O warriors of righteousness, today we march not only as soldiers but as beacons of divine purpose. Our cause is just, our faith unyielding. We carry the torch of truth and justice, and it is our duty to protect the innocent and uphold the values of Islam!"

The thunderous applause of the troops echoed through the air, their spirits ignited by the charismatic leadership of Isa and Al Mahdi. With banners held high and hearts aflame with devotion, they advanced towards the battlefield, a tide of righteousness ready to wash away the forces of darkness.

With the capabilities mentioned above it can be said that this protection or resistance is layered and multiplied infinitely, simply put, all resistances similar to it will be protected by this infinitely multiplied resistance.

Al Mahdi, his voice carrying the weight of authority, rallied the troops with fervor, "Brothers and sisters, remember that our strength lies not only in numbers but in our unwavering faith. We fight not for conquest, but to defend the principles that define us. Let the world witness the might of our unity, as we stand firm against oppression and tyranny!"

The troops, inspired by their leaders' words, surged forward with unwavering determination. The clash of swords, the thunderous hooves of horses, and the resolute cries of the Muslim army filled the battlefield. Each soldier fought with the zeal of true believers, their hearts fueled by the unwavering conviction that victory was not only possible but inevitable.

Isa and Al Mahdi, side by side, exemplified the epitome of valor and leadership. Their every move radiated strength, grace, and wisdom. As they navigated the chaos of the battlefield, their presence alone infused courage into the hearts of their soldiers, filling them with an unyielding resolve to overcome any obstacle.

Amidst the heat of battle, Al Mahdi's voice boomed, "Hold steadfast, my brothers and sisters! Remember, we do not fight for mere worldly gains, but for the ideals that our faith upholds. Our cause is righteous, and Allah is with us!"

Isa, his eyes ablaze with divine fervor, added, "Let not fear cloud your hearts, for we are guided by the light of truth. United, we are invincible. Together, we shall triumph!"

Their words echoed through the ranks, reinforcing the determination of the Muslim troops. With each clash of weapons, they advanced, reclaiming territory that had been unjustly seized. Their courage was unwavering, their resolve unshakable.

The battle raged on, and the sun began its descent towards the horizon. But the army led by Isa Al-Masih and Al Mahdi fought with unwavering spirit, refusing to yield to exhaustion or despair. With their leaders at the helm, they pressed forward, their faith serving as an unbreakable shield.

As night fell and the moon bathed the battlefield in its pale light, victory loomed closer. The Muslim troops, their spirits unyielding, fought with renewed vigor. The enemy forces, struck by the unwavering determination and divine guidance of Isa and Al Mahdi, began to crumble under the weight of their righteous onslaught.

Finally, as dawn broke once again, the battlefield lay silent, save for the triumphant cries of the Muslim troops. Victory had been achieved, and the forces of darkness had been vanquished. The leadership of Isa Al-Masih and Al Mahdi had led millions to a resounding triumph, a testament to their unwavering faith and unwavering resolve to uphold justice and righteousness in the world.

Isa Al-Masih and Imam Mahdi, their divine mission blazing within their souls, embarked on a monumental quest to cleanse the land of idols, paintings, and all that defiled the sanctity of their faith. With unwavering resolve, they set out to restore purity and uphold the teachings of the perfect Torah, the Qur'an.

Isa, his eyes filled with righteous fury, raised his voice to the masses, "O believers, it is time to reclaim the sanctity of our land and purify our hearts! Let us rid ourselves of the false idols that cloud our devotion and lead us astray. Together, we shall restore the true essence of our faith, guided by the perfect teachings of the Qur'an!"

Imam Mahdi, his voice resonating with authority, added, "The time has come to embrace the pure teachings of our beloved Prophet, and discard the practices that tarnish our faith. Let us shatter the false images and cleanse our homes and hearts of any impurities. Only then can we truly walk the path of righteousness and unity."

And so, with an unwavering determination, Isa and Imam Mahdi embarked on a tireless campaign to eradicate the idols and paintings that had plagued their land. They called upon the believers to gather and witness the destruction of these false representations, symbolizing the triumph of truth over falsehood.

The sound of hammers striking stone and wood reverberated through the air as the idols crumbled to dust. The paintings, once revered as works of art, were torn apart and cast into the fire, purging the land of their deceptive allure. And with each act of destruction, the faith of the believers grew stronger, their hearts cleansed and purified.

Once the land had been cleared of idols and paintings, Isa and Imam Mahdi gathered the people, their voices gentle yet commanding. They taught the perfect Torah, the Qur'an, with unwavering clarity and wisdom. They unveiled the profound beauty and timeless guidance contained within its verses, ensuring that every soul received the divine teachings in its purest form.

Isa, his presence radiant with divine enlightenment, spoke, "O believers, let the Qur'an be our guiding light, illuminating our path in times of darkness. In its verses, we find solace, wisdom, and the eternal truths that lead us to salvation. Let us embrace its teachings wholeheartedly and embody its principles in every aspect of our lives."

Imam Mahdi, his voice resonating with profound knowledge, continued, "The Qur'an is a gift bestowed upon us, a guidebook for righteous living. Let us immerse ourselves in its verses, contemplating its wisdom and applying its teachings in our daily existence. Through our actions, we shall be a living testament to the perfection and eternal relevance of the Qur'an."

The people, their hearts filled with gratitude and awe, listened intently, absorbing the teachings of the perfect Torah. With each word spoken by Isa and Imam Mahdi, their understanding deepened, and their devotion to Islam flourished.

And so, under the enlightened guidance of Isa Al-Masih and Imam Mahdi, the land was cleansed, the false idols shattered, and the true teachings of the perfect Torah, the Qur'an, embraced with unwavering faith. Their mission to restore purity and uphold the divine principles of Islam echoed through the ages, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of believers for generations to come.

In an exhilarating and epic display, it was decided that the impenetrable protection that enveloped all abilities equal or equivalent to The White Soul that kept it protected unaffected even that ability would be lost, deterred any creature intent on dismantling or vulgarizing the protective fortress. For any daring attempt to dismantle the sanctuary of these great powers, offenders would be doomed to lose their internal organs. Furthermore, if they dare to push themselves or launch an attack at a speed that exceeds the speed of time itself, that speed will be frozen in its tracks, rendering them immobile, losing the ability to traverse even if they are omnipresent or ethereal entities consisting of only data and information will be paralyzed and lose that power, as well as be subject to mind manipulation so powerful that it cannot even be protected and erase those memories. Furthermore, the enemy's ability to protect their own abilities against the enemy's abilities would be devoured and absorbed by The White Soul even the protection are infinite multiplies, sealing their defeat in a grand spectacle of supremacy, and create new data about them. In a thrilling twist, following the aforementioned events, the user or The White Soul swiftly retaliates, effortlessly redirecting all assaults back towards the enemy, causing a mesmerizing chain reaction where the foe's very essence detonates with spectacular force at precisely targeted vital junctures, colloquially known as the pressure points, leaving no room for monotony, only explosive excitement.

And last, unfazed by the resistance immunity of his adversaries, The White Soul remains undeterred, for even in the face of unyielding resistance, if the enemy is immune from his resistance, and can negate his resistance, he will absorb all the enemy's power, eliminate his power at once and erase him from existence to the point of unstoppable extinction until even his information vanishes, his indomitable spirit only grows stronger. With each attempt to break his resistance, a cascade of numerical forces accumulates and multiplies, spiraling towards infinity, amplifying the might of his formidable resilience. Astonishingly, even the removal of his resistance serves as a catalyst, igniting a renewed surge of immeasurable fortitude, transforming him into an unstoppable force beyond comprehension. Those audacious enough to challenge his resistance find themselves ensnared in a malevolent twist of fate, their once vibrant visages tainted with a darkened hue, bearing the scars of countless wounds and rivers of blood, while their destiny is irrevocably decreed by The White Soul himself, relegating them to the squalor of street beggars, stripped of their former stature and left to languish as the vermin of society. Even beings that do not exist conventionally or specifically not exist or even exist and do not exist, not even those residing in the ethereal realms of non-existence, can evade the discerning gaze of The White Soul, as he orchestrates their fate, fashioning them into the epitome of wretchedness and the outcasts of the world and he will negate his enemy's resistance to no avail because his power can at the same time be multiplied immeasurably, even all mathematical concepts cannot measure how many doubles of power The White Soul has, because it will continue to multiply as much as possible, passing the limits of all concepts created by Cantor. And The White Soul is able to "steal" its opponent's defense against certain abilities which absolutely cannot be canceled even if the opponent's defense ability is doubled as much as possible, even infinite.

To be continued...