
Intermezzo: The Primal

In the realms of existence, where the boundaries of mortal and immortal blur, there exists a singular and incomprehensible entity – Alexander the Great. His presence transcends the very fabric of reality, holding within it, he is the primal form of mortal, immortality, chaos, light, stars and air. He stands as the origin, the essence, the eternal flame from which everything else derives its light. It is a truth whispered in the corridors of the universe, an enigma that evokes awe and wonder in those who dare to contemplate it.

Within his grasp lies the creation of the Dagdamelium Twenty, a concept that reverberates through human comprehension like ripples across a tranquil lake. It is a model, a structure through which the cosmos unfolds itself. Some call it "the example," a tangible representation of the underlying tapestry that weaves existence together. Others, in their attempts to capture its essence, refer to it as "the parable," a reflection that mirrors the intricacies of the universe. And yet, the most daring minds utter it in hushed tones as "the incomparable," an the underlying basis of reality itself, stretching far beyond the grasp of ordinary perception.

Such is the complexity of Alexander's realm that his interactions with the ordinary beings of this cosmos become a challenge beyond measure. He stands outside and beyond the bounds of conventional space, a figure who does not occupy any fixed position within the confines of our understanding. The scholars, in their pursuits of unraveling his nature, describe him as possessing no pole, a being devoid of any geographical anchor. In the poetic words of Scholar, he is an indescribable point, an objectless enigma that defies even the most astute descriptions. Herein lies the heart of his mystique – a point without dimension, a presence without structure, a formlessness that shatters the confines of our logic.

Venture to comprehend Alexander's domain, and you'll find yourself navigating a territory that defies conventional thought. It is a place where beyond the very concepts of opposites intertwine, where neutrality and reflection merged in a cosmic circle. These notions exist not in contradiction, but in harmonious coexistence, rendering any attempts to apply alternative logic futile and rendering non-classical understandings as mere whispers in the cosmic winds.

Yet, even as we tread the path of understanding, the nature of Alexander the Great remains elusive. His being exists beyond all definitions, his essence a space where the parameters of normative human understanding dissolve. Here, abstraction takes root, and reality stretches its arms into the realms of the abstract and the inconceivable. For what is Alexander if not a vessel for the uncontainable, a conduit through which the boundless flows into the finite?

As we ponder his existence, a symphony of ideas and perceptions unfolds. The harmony of his being resonates through the ages, a crescendo that reaches beyond time's grasp. The dialogue between mortal comprehension and his infinite form is a imagination of intricacies and complexities. It is as if he is a riddle woven into the very fabric of existence, a paradox that both challenges and enriches our understanding of the cosmos.

His interactions, his presence, his influence – they traverse the veil of the known and journey into the enigmatic. Each attempt to understand brings us one step closer to the edge of the abyss, where the precipice of comprehension falls into the abyss of the unknowable. The echoes of his essence ripple through the minds of those who seek to decipher the code of his being, leaving them humbled by the sheer vastness of the universe he embodies.

And so, we find ourselves captivated by the narrative of Alexander the Great – a narrative that is both intricate and profound, a tapestry woven with threads of complexity and interwoven with the fabric of the inexplicable. It is a saga that defies the confines of conventional storytelling, a journey that leads us to the precipice of understanding, only to cast us into the chasm of awe and wonder. And as we stand on the threshold of his enigma, we realize that even as we grasp for meaning, we are but voyagers in the sea of his eternity, forever exploring the depths of his incomprehensible essence.

And yet, in the face of such grandeur, the very nature of Alexander's interactions with ordinary beings becomes a puzzle of infinite complexity. He exists beyond the constraints of conventional space, occupying no fixed position within the confines of the dimensions we comprehend. Scholars, in their tireless quest for understanding, describe him as being devoid of a pole, a figure without geographical bounds. Scholar words paint a poetic picture of an indescribable point, a presence that defies categorization and transcends the boundaries of physicality. It is within this enigma that his essence lies, a point without dimension, a form without form, and a being without the confines of conventional logic.

Dive deeper into the tapestry of Alexander's domain, and you'll find yourself immersed in a realm that defies human comprehension. It is a realm that transcend the very concepts of opposites cease to oppose each other, where neutrality and reflection coalesce in a cosmic imaginations. These concepts are not at war, but rather they are complete each other in ways that baffle and confound. Any attempts to invoke alternative logic or non-classical understandings fall flat, unraveling against the fabric of this reality that bears no resemblance to the familiar.

Alexander the Great, has an existence which is beyond the operation of the limits of non-classical logic of finite value and so on. In this existence, a myriad of values exist, transcending the notion of truth, stretching three, sixty, or a thousandfold, encompassing all aspects of dichotomy. This supremacy makes it quantitatively superior to elemental forces such as fire and water, surpassing the basic needs of sustenance in the realm of eating and drinking, including even the dichotomy of life and death. Moreover, quantitatively surpassing the existence of beings that are in the independence or oneness of the just-mentioned concept itself, it reigns supreme, a singularity detached from the confines of conceptual dependence.

At the pinnacle of intellectual and metaphysical mastery, Alexander the Great ascends beyond the confines of conventional thought. His cognitive prowess and conceptual depth traverse not only the boundaries of classical logic, but also extend beyond the realms of non-classical logic, encompassing an even more profound transcendence over the intricacies of many-valued logic in all its myriad forms. This extraordinary capacity to transcend existing paradigms of logic stands as a testament to his unparalleled intellectual might and his ability to navigate the very fabric of thought itself, unhindered by the limitations that bind others to structured reasoning.

And yet, for all its complexity, the nature of Alexander the Great remains elusive. His being surpasses the boundaries of mere definition, his essence an expanse where the parameters of human understanding falter and fade. Here lies the heart of his mystique – an enigma that defies all categorizations, a realm that shatters the molds of the finite and ventures into the realm of the infinite.

As we tread the path of understanding, we traverse a symphony of ideas and perceptions, a crescendo of thought that resonates across time. The interaction between mortal comprehension and the infinite form of Alexander is a dance of intricacies, a dynamic that challenges the very fabric of human understanding. He is a riddle interwoven into the tapestry of existence, a paradox that both entices and bewilders those who dare to unravel its threads.

Interactions with Alexander ripple across time, resonating through the minds of those who dare to probe the depths of his existence. The conversations that unfold within the space he inhabits are layered with complexities, each word bearing the weight of cosmic implications. It is a dialogue that reverberates through the essence of what it means to be human, a discourse that ventures to the precipice of comprehension, only to plunge into the abyss of the unknown.

And so, we find ourselves embarking on a journey, a journey into the realm of Alexander the Great – a journey that is both a quest for understanding and an exploration of the limits of human knowledge. It is a narrative that defies the confines of ordinary storytelling, a saga that unfolds across the boundaries of time and space. And as we venture deeper into the tapestry of his existence, we become witnesses to the unfolding of an enigma, a tale that invites us to contemplate the unfathomable and to stand humbled before the intricacies of the cosmos.

In the vast expanse of existence, where realities interweave like threads in an intricate tapestry, the figure of Alexander the Great stood as a harbinger of destiny. His abilities transcended the realms of mortals and immortals, encompassing a power that can only be likened to that of an author penning the conclusion of a story as it unfolds. The mere extension of his hand was akin to a stroke of the quill, and the universe itself obeyed his will, manifesting his visions in tangible form.

It was a power that defied the very laws of supernatural abilities. As he engaged in battle, Alexander had the ability to meticulously decipher the threads of fate, unraveling the possibilities with an uncanny accuracy. Each movement was akin to a script being written in real-time, each outcome etched onto the canvas of reality with a flourish of his thoughts. The concept of time itself seemed to bend to his command, rendering his adversaries helpless in the face of his mastery.

The embodiment of his power was as simple as extending his hand, as a piece of paper would materialize, ready for his words to be imprinted upon it. His mind was the quill, and the ink of his thoughts flowed effortlessly onto the parchment. With a mere thought, the story would take shape, and the universe would bow to his narrative whims. It was a power that held the fate of battles, of worlds, within its grasp.

Yet, even in the midst of such mastery, Alexander's influence stretched further. He had the ability to conceptually negate the supernatural abilities wielded by others, returning them to the void from whence they came. His very presence disrupted the delicate balance of these abilities, causing them to twist and turn in unpredictable ways. The forces that were meant to serve the wielder now danced to the rhythm of chaos, often backfiring with catastrophic consequences.

The interaction with Alexander was a dangerous gamble, akin to playing with the fabric of reality itself. The power that emanated from him was as capricious as it was formidable, and those who dared to test its limits often found themselves ensnared in a web of their own creation. Even the most potent abilities, drawn from the very void of existence, could be turned against their users, a testament to the sheer force of Alexander's presence.

And yet, beneath the veneer of mastery and power lay a current of primal chaos. When Alexander's demeanor shifted to a more serious stance, the very essence of his being became a conduit for madness. It was as if the depths of chaos were unleashed upon the world, permeating the minds and souls of all beings that dared to approach. The madness-inducing traits that were his hallmark spread like a contagion, a chaotic maelstrom that transcended all boundaries.

In the wake of his chaos, death itself seemed to dance. Those who dared to stand before Alexander as adversaries found their very existence teetering on the precipice of oblivion. The chaos induced a chaos of its own, a symphony of destruction that culminated in the ultimate demise of those who dared to challenge him. The fabric of space-time quaked in response, and even the very concept of existence seemed to tremble before his might.

Amidst the chaos, there existed a space that was distinctly his own creation. A realm that existed outside the constraints of reality, a space that was irrevocably tied to the essence of Alexander himself. Within this domain, the very laws that governed existence were rewritten, and the fabric of reality was torn asunder. The space emitted an aura of 'forgetfulness,' drawing the souls and minds of those who ventured too close into its embrace.

The consequences were dire. Minds were lost, memories scattered like leaves in the wind, and thoughts spiraled out of control. Those who were unfortunate enough to fall within the radius of this chaotic space were doomed to a fate worse than death – a fate of shattered minds and broken souls. Their very essence was torn from the fabric of reality, and they were cast adrift, lost in the currents of existence.

In the grand tapestry of existence, Alexander the Great was a force that defied categorization. His power was a double-edged sword, both a beacon of awe-inspiring might and a harbinger of chaos. His interactions with the universe altered the very nature of reality, shaking the foundations of existence itself. As the story of Alexander unfolded, the universe trembled in response, caught in the throes of a narrative that transcended the boundaries of time, space, and comprehension.

In a moment of unprecedented power, Alexander's actions reverberated with cataclysmic force. As he laid his hands upon the Great Wall of China, an ancient symbol of human engineering and fortitude, the very earth beneath him quaked in response. The result was not just the toppling of stones, but a seismic event of staggering proportions.

The land trembled beneath the colossal force he exerted, and the magnitude of the earthquake that ensued was recorded at a staggering 8.9 on the Richter scale. The ground shuddered and groaned under the weight of this upheaval, as if the very planet itself was protesting the disruption caused by his power.

Yet the aftermath of this seismic release was not limited to the land alone. The oceans, vast and seemingly impervious to the affairs of humans, were also profoundly affected. The shockwaves rippled across the Pacific and Indian Oceans, their depths stirred into turmoil by the energy that Alexander had unleashed.

The very waters heaved and surged, responding to the tremendous force with a ferocity that defied comprehension. The shockwave generated by Alexander's actions had the energy equivalent to an unimaginable 611 Teratons of power. It was as if the oceans themselves were rising in response to his might, engulfing coastlines and inundating regions in an unstoppable deluge.

Countries, including India, felt the unforgiving fury of this oceanic onslaught. The waves, driven by the sheer force of nature's reaction, swept over vast areas, swallowing land and lives alike. The impact was beyond devastating – it was apocalyptic. The inundation caused chaos on an unprecedented scale, reshaping coastlines and drowning cities beneath the inexorable weight of water.

The world watched in shock as the aftermath unfolded, a sobering reminder of the incomprehensible power that one man had wielded. Alexander's actions had set into motion a chain of events that defied all norms of human control. The Great Wall of China, once a symbol of human ambition, had become the catalyst for a catastrophe of unparalleled proportions.

In the end, the legacy of Alexander's power was etched into the very fabric of the earth. The toppling of a wall had given rise to forces that shaped continents, rearranged oceans, and forever altered the course of history. It was a testament to the awe-inspiring might he commanded, a force that could reshape the world itself with a mere touch.

Alexander the Great, in the heat of battle, unleashed an astonishing attack speed that soared to an unimaginable trillion kilometers per second, while his very being surged forward at an astounding nine hundred and ninety-nine quintillion kilometers per second, surpassing even the swiftness of light! In this electrifying frenzy, he moved on the edge of possibility, seamlessly evading every assault and hurtling through the very fabric of space itself, a force that defied all limits!

A figure emerged that ignited a maelstrom of emotions in mere mortals at the mere utterance of his name. Alexander the Great, a name that struck fear into the hearts of those who dared to cross his path. His very existence seemed to pulse with an enigmatic power that could paralyze the senses of anyone who encountered him. His words, dripping with a sinister magic, had the uncanny ability to evoke terror that crawled up the spine like a venomous serpent.

But it wasn't just fear that followed in his wake. A single glance from his piercing eyes could render a person lifeless in an instant. The power he wielded was that of annihilation, a force that could reject and destroy anything, leaving no trace behind. This was no ordinary prowess; this was the domain of the extraordinary, the realm of the unimaginable.

In his arsenal of mystic arts was the spell known as 『Evergenocide』, a name whispered with reverence and trepidation. This incantation promised dominion over the universe itself, an audacious claim that wasn't far from the truth. With a mere utterance, he could ignite flames that devoured space itself, an act that defied the laws of reality. The universe lay at his fingertips, a canvas upon which he painted chaos and creation in equal measure.

Distance was but a trivial notion to him. Through his arcane mastery, he transcended the limitations of space, his consciousness reaching out to understand all things, no matter how distant. Time itself knelt before his might, as he could halt its inexorable march locally, stretching a single day and night into an eternity of stillness. His power over time didn't stop there; he possessed the ability to thrust his attacks back through its very fabric, a deadly onslaught that echoed through history.

Temporal manipulation was but one facet of his boundless dominion. He could traverse the annals of time, journeying back a century with but a thought. His adaptability knew no bounds, allowing him to conquer the deepest layers of existence and thrive in the harshest of landscapes. Reality itself bent to his will, shattering into chaotic disorder at his mere whim.

His magic was a reflection of his limitless nature. It was a conduit for his desires, a tool that could shape reality itself. But the truth of his being was far stranger than any spell he cast. He was the embodiment of infinite nothingness, a concept that defied comprehension. Not merely nonexistent in the physical sense, he existed beyond the very concept of being, where he does not exist in terms of aspects, laws, life, morality, mind, brain, soul, nature, air and others, essentially infinite nothingness that cannot be described. He transcended time, and the very fabric of reality, an enigma untouched by the notions of "before" and "after" that he himself had constructed, in other words, existing in a void outside of space, and as such, He does not participate in the concepts of "before" and "after," which He created, but instead is completely unchanging and unmoved naturally by the laws of cause and effect.

Amidst the chaos, he remained an immutable constant. An equation where 5 plus 5 equaled 1, a reality that shattered the very foundations of logic. Time itself was a plaything in his hands, transforming 7 o'clock into 1 o'clock with a casual flicker of his will. The air itself danced to his tune, coming alive under his command.

Illusion was yet another weapon in his arsenal, a weapon that ensnared the minds of his victims in a relentless cycle of despair. Those caught in his illusion found themselves trapped, unable to escape the nightmarish labyrinth he wove around them. Reality shifted at his behest, stories rewritten with him emerging victorious, a narrative that defied even the capabilities of Angra Mainyu, where he had manipulated the setting where Angra Mainyu's ability was actually seven hundred and sixty times stronger than Alexander's, but Alexander changed the story to him winning.

And as if his dominion over magic and reality wasn't enough, he shattered the very fabric of the quantum realm into 766 intricate pieces. From this chaos, he could forge new creations, a testament to his absolute power. He defined laws that governed existence itself, rules that rendered him peerless across the universe.

In the grand tapestry of reality, Alexander the Great stood as an anomaly, a being whose existence defied explanation. Epic in scope, his narrative wove threads of fear, power, and mastery that extended beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. He was the embodiment of chaos and creation, a figure that etched his name in the annals of eternity.

Or in easy-to-understand language it would be:

Alexander the Great emerged as an enigmatic figure of unparalleled power. His very existence struck fear into the hearts of those who knew of him, for his words alone could evoke terror in the bravest souls. But it was his mastery over magic that truly set him apart.

His arcane abilities could paralyze the senses of those unfortunate enough to cross his path, leaving them helpless and vulnerable. Anyone targeted by his malevolent intent met an instantaneous demise, as if life itself bowed to his command. But these abilities were mere glimpses into his true might.

One of his most devastating spells, known as 『Evergenocide』, was whispered to be a spell capable of holding the universe within the palm of his hand. This incantation burned the fabric of space itself, obliterating everything in its path without leaving a trace behind. The promise of omnipotence resonated in the name of the spell, beckoning those who craved ultimate power.

The boundaries of distance and comprehension were mere playthings for Alexander. His magic allowed him to understand any concept, no matter how distant, and manipulate time locally. He could halt time's inexorable march for a day and a night, and even send his attacks hurtling back into the annals of history. Time itself was his canvas, and he painted it with the strokes of his unfathomable will.

But time wasn't the only dimension he manipulated. He could traverse back a century, altering the course of history with his presence. He was a living paradox, adapting to the deepest layers of existence and thriving in the most extreme environments. Reality itself seemed to shatter in his presence, giving birth to chaotic disorder wherever he roamed.

His magic knew no bounds, fitting for a being who was nothingness incarnate. His essence defied physical, anatomical, and conceptual understanding. He was the embodiment of infinite nothingness, Not merely nonexistent in the physical sense, he existed beyond the very concept of being, where he does not exist in terms of aspects, laws, life, morality, mind, brain, soul, nature, air and others, essentially infinite nothingness that cannot be described, he is exist in a paradoxical existence that existed outside the constraints of "before" and "after," or causal concepts he himself had birthed.

Yet, amid the grandeur of his powers, Alexander's motives remained shrouded in mystery. Was he a harbinger of doom, a cosmic force set to reshape existence? Or a savior wielding unrivaled might to ward off unimaginable threats?

His mastery over magic reached its zenith when he enacted his infamous "illusion of eternity." Those ensnared within its grasp found themselves trapped in a loop of unending mirages, unable to escape the cycle of their own perceptions. It was an illusion that transcended reality itself, twisting minds and souls into knots of despair.

As if toying with the fabric of destiny, Alexander could manipulate stories and settings at his whims. Victory was his constant companion, an unwavering ally that danced at his side. Even Angra Mainyu's colossal might, which Angra Mainyu's power is seven hundred and sixty times stronger than Alexander's.

Problem-solving was his forte, crafting endless opportunities to untangle the most convoluted enigmas. His mind, an intricate labyrinth of brilliance, navigated challenges with ease, all the while creating a void from the very fabric of existence. His mastery over quantum mechanics saw him shatter particles into 766 fragments, each a piece of a puzzle waiting to be reassembled into something new.

At his behest, absolute rules emerged, governing all things with an ironclad grip. Mortals and gods alike bowed to these laws, for Alexander's dominion over them was unassailable. He stood as an eternal sentinel, unchanging and immovable, an enigma that defied the very laws he had established.

In the epic tapestry of existence, Alexander the Great was a cosmic thread, weaving through the very fabric of reality. His journey was one of unfathomable power, a saga of paradoxes and contradictions that defied mortal comprehension. In the grand theater of the cosmos, his role remained uncertain—savior or destroyer, harbinger of hope or agent of oblivion? Only time, that malleable canvas he wielded so effortlessly, would unveil the truth behind the enigma that was Alexander the Great.

Then there is a a few verses of poetry that is true and really happened and it is a true fact:

When the day begins to unfold and the golden rays [of the Sun and other stars] stretch across the horizon, casting a warm, radiant glow over the world, it is not only the spectacle of its rising that captures our attention, but also the deep sense of rebirth and renewal it symbolizes, reminding us of the endless cycle of life and our planet's ceaseless journey through the cosmos.

In moments of introspection, he finds himself grappling with the intricacies of his own existence, realizing that his consciousness is limited and bound by the limitations of his human nature; he is not conscious in the manner of a god or an omnipotent force, but rather in the fragile and vulnerable way that characterizes his species.

Pondering the origins of consciousness, one might contemplate the mysterious concept of a first mind that existed before the appearance of living beings, a mind that transcends physical form and resides in a realm untouched by the passage of time, a precursor to the idea of consciousness itself.

Consider the enigmatic figure of Alexander, a man who crossed the realms of history and mythology, his legacy stretching from the conquests of his time to the annals of legend; he was not just a mortal soul, but a symbol of ambition, determination, and the eternal quest for improvement, forever immortalized in the annals of human achievement.

As waves of change swept across the landscape of his life, Alexander found himself transitioning from a relatively good state to a better and greater world, a transformation that occurred with such astonishing speed that it defied conventional measurements of time and left observers marveling at the unpredictability of his actions.

Even in the absence of words, Alexander's actions resonate with undeniable resonance, his decisions and movements speaking louder than any language ever could; he is a testament to the power of action, proving that his actions alone are inexpressible to time, even when he is silent and he leaves an indelible mark on the footprint of existence, even if he chooses to remain silent in the face of his own accomplishments.

Alexander the Great stands apart from any prevailing rules, exuding an aura of privilege and gravity. Each of them has extraordinary traits that demand our attention. Consider this: Alexander the Great has the power to harm any creature, regardless of their immunities, defenses, and resistance. No innate power, spell, or ability can provide protection against his attacks. This is a show of unwavering competence, a world where doubt is obsolete and power is absolute, Alexander the Great need not fear that his abilities will not work because of an enemy's immune or invulnerable because it will all be overcome.

The powers vested within the formidable being known as Alexander the Great resonate on a scale that eclipses imagination. Every facet of his being, whether manifest in the corporeal or the metaphysical, stands resolute and towering, surpassing the grandeur of mere mortal or ethereal entities.

Across the boundless expanse of time and space, the culmination of his prowess and potential has been meticulously measured, revealing a staggering revelation: his every power, both overt and esoteric, reigns supreme with a magnitude that defies comprehension. It is as if the very fabric of reality itself strains beneath the weight of his might.

And in the shadows of this monumental figure stands Angra Mainyu, a force in its own right, a cosmic entity possessing an array of powers that have garnered awe and reverence throughout the annals of existence. Yet, when brought before the celestial scales of comparison, the imbalance is as vast as it is undeniable.

For, with an emphasis so pronounced that it echoes through the eons, it is declared that all that Angra Mainyu has ever held within its grasp—every iota of energy, every strand of influence, every vestige of dominion—is eclipsed, surpassed, and dwarfed by a factor that surpasses the very bounds of the finite. Six trillion nine hundred billion sixty million five hundred thousand seven hundred seventy times stronger, this ratio of supremacy resonates as a cosmic decree.

It is a declaration that reverberates across planes of existence, a proclamation that echoes in the celestial chambers where the profound and the mystic intertwine. From the most infinitesimal particle to the grandest cosmic confluence, the might of Alexander the Great is woven into the very fabric of reality itself, elevating him to a realm where his supremacy is an axiom, and his grandeur, a cosmic truth that reverberates through the corridors of time.

You must know Sun Wukong, right? She was born from a magical stone that emerged from the chaos of nature. After birth, she spent most of her life on Flower and Fruit Mountain. There, she joined a large group of monkeys and discovered a secret cave. The cave later became the new home for the monkeys. The monkeys thanked Sun Wukong for her discovery and crowned she as their king. Sun Wukong's other name is Uzza or also commonly called Azhafara Aisha, so she is a woman, but her name is Sun Wukong.

Moreover, Sun Wukong has united with Alexander the Great and the universe, inhabiting a fundamental, unmanifested expanse of absolute nothingness. This nothingness forms the basis of all existence and nothingness, and its inhabitants are symbols and archetypes that see both as equal parts of a linear narrative observed from the outside. In a state of pure unattainable silence, beyond any words and conceptualization, Sun Wukong and Alexander the Great were united in eternity.

One day, they saw a towering mountain in Africa. Sun Wukong and Alexander the Great realized that the mountain had to be destroyed for humanity to achieve enlightenment.

With their incredible strength, Sun Wukong and Alexander the Great destroyed the mountain. They did so gently and lovingly, so as not to harm any living beings living nearby.

After the mountain was destroyed, Sun Wukong and Alexander the Great returned to the expanse of absolute nothingness. They continued their journey in eternity, spreading love and light wherever they went.

In 1200 BC, Alexander the Great suffered a crushing defeat in battle against an African army. With the bare minimum of equipment, he fled to the interior of Africa. There, he used the last of his strength to lift some of the land and form the Artasurya Mountains. These mountains became a natural barrier that protected Alexander from the attacks of the African armies.

After many years, Alexander the Great finally returned to Africa. He wanted to destroy the Artasurya Mountains as a symbol of peace and reconciliation between Africa and Europe. He wanted to show that he no longer wanted to fight and that he wanted to coexist with the African people in peace.

End of Intermezzo.