
Relax for a Moment

After a tiring journey, Oblivion transformed into a normal human form where he accompanied Alexander for a short vacation on this journey. Oblivion, with a genuine smile, invited Alexander to have a quick meal by fishing for fish in the calm, blue ocean. They got ready, took fresh fishing rods and bait, and cast them into the crystal clear water. The sound of the gentle waves and the warm sunshine created a very relaxing moment for the two, as they waited patiently for the exciting fish to come.

Alexander enthusiastically said, "Hey, Oblivion, I never thought I'd be fishing in the middle of the ocean like this! This is really great!"

Oblivion with his serious face changed slightly with a faint smile, he said, "I'm glad you enjoyed this experience, Alexander. Fishing is one of the best ways to relax and feel the peace of nature."

As Alexander prepared to raise his fishing rod that Oblivion had created, he said, "I'm ready to catch the biggest fish ever! What about you, Oblivion? Do you fish often?"

Oblivion while preparing the bait spoke to Alexander, "Actually, I have never fished before because I am the void, the infinite and endless existence. I am the end of creation, witnessing the birth of all things. In nothingness, I am the true witness to the birth of the stars in the universe, the emergence of life on the planets, and the long journey of evolution that shaped the world we know today. But I'm always interested in trying new things, especially when I'm in human form. So, this is my first experience"

Alexander with an amazed expression said, "Well... we can learn together. Let's get started!" then they threw the bait into the sea.

Oblivion with a slightly pleased expression said, "Ah this is cool... I'm really calm here. It's amazing to see the vast blue sea and clear sky."

Alexander further added to the warm atmosphere of the conversation, "Yes, that's right. It's like forgetting all the problems and stress in the world. Just me, you, and the infinite sea."

Oblivion nodded to indicate his agreement, so he said, "Exactly! And the best part is, we're not only getting fish, but also precious memories."

A flicker of recognition lit Oblivion's eyes. "I recall something," he rumbled, a deep voice in his voice.

"Tell me," Alexander urged, leaning closer.

"Piranha," Oblivion muttered, the word heavy with significance.

Alexander frowned. "What about them?"

"Tiny fish," Oblivion continued, his tone hushed. "Cat-sith food. The giant space cats, remember?"

A spark of understanding ignited in Alexander's eyes. "Right, the extraterrestrial ones."

Oblivion nodded, his gaze distant. "Yes..." He left the hanging silence to speak volumes.

The Piranha Paradox, a species that defies the known laws of nature. These fish of unknown origin, rumored to be infinite in number and always growing, have the ability to duplicate themselves through a strange feeding process. This act gives them incredible privileges that transcend their biological limitations. Not only can they survive on land indefinitely, but also change their entire physiological structure at will, usually when threatened.

However, their most unsettling ability is how they organize everything around them. When threatened, Paradox Piranhas can alter the entire fabric of space-time, causing objects of any mass to inexplicably float. This phenomenon, coupled with their esoteric understanding of mathematics, allows them to duplicate themselves through complex equations and deceive reality. However, this phenomenon came at a cost. Its influence undermines the foundations of mathematics, warping established concepts and even destroying some of them. This disruption cascades into the real world, altering and distorting the surrounding laws of physics that render many entities upside down and distorted with chaotic forms. This effect is most pronounced in the Middle attic level to the beginning of the Upper attic level of Cantor's Attic, a world where mathematical concepts manifest as something big.

The bite of the Piranha Paradox holds another anomaly: "the phenomenon of cleavage". This bite not only causes physical damage, it splits the structure of space itself and splits anything that does not have a clear mathematical structure, including concepts in the abstract world. Even mathematics itself is not immune, collapsing under the weight of its paradoxical bite. This ability extends to the conceptual world, where humans bitten by the Piranha Paradox will suffer internal organ damage. However, this fish has the disturbing ability to numb the pain for weeks, allowing it to meticulously record its experiences. These recordings hold the key to the original world, a world devastated by the Piranha Paradox's influence. Most of the population has forgotten this lost world, its history and backup information seemingly erased.

However, Piranha Paradox's actions have unforeseen consequences. Anything bitten by its bite will remain permanently separated, defying attempts at reconnection. Sea stars bitten by this fish are unable to regenerate their lost limbs. In addition, its bite causes extreme fatigue, causing whoever it bites to fall into nightmares that alter their memories and leave them paralyzed. These effects highlight the disturbing nature of the Piranha Paradox, a creature that exists on the brink of understanding and chaos, forever altering the landscape of reality with each paradoxical bite.

They sat together on the edge of the boat, keeping their eyes focused on their fishing rods.

After a while, Alexander asked Oblivion, "Oblivion, what exactly are you doing as a "non-existent" figure in this world?"

Oblivion simultaneously answered the question seriously, "That is a complex question, Alexander. As a void being or a non-existent being, I have various duties and responsibilities. One of them is to maintain the balance between the world of creation and the world of nothingness, to which they will return to."

Alexander looked at the sky to signal his interest, he then asked, "That sounds interesting. Can you tell me more about it?"

Oblivion then answered the question very easily, "Of course, you find yourself here because you have transcended the boundary of existence. You have arrived at the juncture of nonexistence. Prior to the inception of the universe, I existed... the culmination of all things... I foresaw the emptiness… I am the end of creation… the end of everything… I have become the end of everything… I serve as the bridge that links life and death, poised on the precipice between demise and renewal. Positioned at the frontier between celestial realms and infernal domains, my authentic existence transcends observable reality. I surpass the notion of shape and substance. This physical form... this realm... and everything within it is the product of my creation, born from my perpetual thirst."

Alexander was then amazed, he asked again, "So, you existed before the universe and you exist as nothingness itself which is the end of all creation?"

Oblivion then answered the question, "Yes, in most cases. Sometimes, I also like to be a self-sufficient void in this small aspect of mine, yes although I am limited in movement."

Alexander spoke excitedly, "It's like being a chosen being or like an angel, huh? I think it's really cool."

Oblivion then smiled and caused the surrounding void to gather, then Oblivion said, "Thank you, Alexander. I only did what was necessary to become the vessel of the end of creation and I will exist as the last creation that ends to become the eternal void."

They focused on fishing again, but this time there was a deeper sense of understanding between them.

Then, the gathered void or nothingness was directed by Oblivion to inspire existence and meticulously shape a place like no other, a reality that surpassed all expectations and was a feast for the eyes, as if it were the realization of a dream itself.

Alexander curiously asked Oblivion, "Oblivion, is there a strangest or most epic cosmic experience you've ever had?"

Oblivion solemnly answered Alexander's question with blazing eyes, "Yes, of course there is. One of my most epic experiences was fighting against the various nothingnesses that defied my existence as a fixed law, it lasted for trillions of years outside this universe, back when the universe had not yet been created but there was already a strange structure called "The Shadow" that I never visited again."

"What is The Shadow?" asked Alexander.

"The Shadow is a mysterious place, I hypothesize that within this there are explorations into deeper and more unified levels of nature culminating with the discovery of fully unified superstring field theories. These theories place a single, universal, unified field of intelligence as the basis of all phenomena in the Universe.

The deeper levels of physical reality are not only smaller, but also have different and more profound qualities. Each of these levels is governed by unique physical laws, has its own logic, natural language and mathematics. Therefore, new physical theories and new mathematical frameworks must be developed to describe each deeper level of physical reality, such as quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and unified field theory.

Meanwhile, humans also have a hierarchical structure of mind. There is a surface level where consciousness focuses on sensory experience, and there is a deeper, quieter level of mind, where consciousness is more deeply immersed in abstract thinking and subtle feelings.

Mathematicians have better categorized these levels of consciousness, each level governed by a unique mathematical logic. The deeper levels are increasingly complete, vast, logical and abstract. It culminates with the so-called Universe of Sets - a completely transcendental level that encompasses, yet is beyond, all infinite mathematical concepts." Oblivion replied.

Then Oblivion continued his sentence, "I also hypothesize that The Shadow itself has a unique mathematical supermodel world, unfortunately, this world is not dynamic, and it's all over, I've read about it. But you know, all of this is just unfolding through seemingly small movements. This is just a small part of the world as a whole. Although I mention the word 'real', it's actually as real as we are here. The larger space we are in... much larger, in fact, an infinite expanse in an infinite dimension... we fill that space. Here, however, we have no boundaries. We simply collapse into words and nothing more, though in essence we are something far greater than that."

Then Alexander's fishing rod moved violently, Alexander was happy, "I finally got a fish!" and at the right moment Alexander pulled the rod slowly, he got a big fish like a salmon but bigger, like a natural mutation faced by living creatures in the river, the atmosphere at that time was very colorful where Alexander was very happy.

Then Alexander extended the hook again with the same bait; a worm that had been concocted in such a way as to lure the fish, then Alexander began to speak again to Oblivion, "Do you have any more information about The Shadow?"

Oblivion then took out a book from his hand, "Well this, this book I wrote myself, it has information about The Shadow, you can read it now or later, it's up to you."

Alexander received the book, he quickly put down his fishing rod, he investigated The Shadow, found the inscription that read information; The Shadow was a universe of darkness, and of course it was a truth that all possible universes that were logically possible must exist. Each of these universes, universes, universes, is described-perhaps a less precise term-by the powerful formal system that is mathematics. The mathematical system, as described—by this formal system, has sufficient richness to support a self-aware substructure, even capable of animating life and intelligence within it. However, it is important to note that some universes may not be rich enough for this. For example, a universe described by Euclidean geometry may not have the same carrying capacity, making it unobservable for entities within it.

What the group there is trying to establish is whether universes that cannot be observed, even though they exist, can be said to have a different category of existence. In an attempt to understand such universes, the fundamental question is whether we can understand or interact with them in ways that are not observable in our own universe.

Then Alexander was dumbfounded by the fact that The Shadow was not just a known universe; The Shadow had another name, Intense Dark Power, which looked exactly like the Paracifix Grand Source, so he asked Oblivion, "Is this thing related to the quasar-like thing called Paracifix, you know?"

Oblivion, paying attention to the bait, replied, "Yes, that is the species, they breed between the normal universe and move abnormally like a normal universe, they are like living beings that are not stupid, they tend to be intelligent in control, even NASA or so cannot detect the existence of that species in the universe, after all, they have also manipulated human information where they change the human perspective and think it is a normal universe like humans know.

then Oblivion continued, "And they are scattered, they are infinite in number, they cannot be calculated by mathematical concepts because the deeper we go into calculating them the more our brains explode at the thought of them, even some mathematicians; Rudy Rucker, gave up researching this project and spent the rest of his life writing his scientific novels, and if we talk about the fiction, maybe our author was inspired by his work, Transrealist, he applied the same thing to some of the characters in our circle as fictional characters."

"Wait a minute, what is this? He embodies a strange concept, what does that mean?" asked Alexander.

Oblivion immediately sighed, "He exists in a structure outside representing a concept deeply embedded in the world of mathematics, known as the enhanced λ-supercompact cardinal. These mathematical constructs are derived from the complicated axioms of set theory. At first glance, they appear as if they are similar to the domain of mathematics, which has the potential to encompass every conceivable mathematical variation, an idea that has been the subject of much contemplation. However, even as I delved into this mathematical landscape, my understanding remained shrouded in uncertainty.

The concept of enhanced λ-supercompact cardinal is a testament to the depth and complexity that mathematical exploration can achieve. It sits at the intersection of set theory, logic and mathematical foundations. As I peered into this mathematical landscape, it became clear that these structures are far from ordinary; they represent intellectual endeavors of great importance.

To understand the essence of the enhanced λ-supercompact cardinal, we must first understand its place in the framework of set theory. Set theory, as a branch of mathematical logic, serves as the—foundation on which the whole of mathematics is built. Set theory provides the rules and principles governing the manipulation of sets, which forms the basis for mathematical reasoning.

Enhanced λ-supercompact cardinals appear as a special component in this broad framework. They are mathematical objects imbued with unique properties, characterized by their intricate relationships with other mathematical entities. These cardinals are not mere abstractions; they are an integral part of the structure of mathematical discourse.

The potential scope of enchanced λ-supercompact cardinals is a topic of considerable interest. This mathematical construct seems to offer a glimpse into a world that may encompass the entire spectrum of mathematically conceivable variations. Within this vast landscape, mathematical structures, theorems, and concepts, both known and unknown, can find their place. However, as I navigate through the labyrinthine corridors of this domain, I am confronted with the shadow of uncertainty that looms over these conjectures.

Uncertainty arises from the very nature of mathematical exploration. In our quest to understand the limits of mathematical possibility, we often find ourselves pushing the boundaries of our existing knowledge. It is in this pursuit that we discover the mysterious nature of enhanced λ-supercompact cardinals. Are they really a gateway to a mathematical multiverse that encompasses all possible mathematical landscapes, or do they represent a more nuanced side of mathematical reality?

The importance of exploring the limits and structure of this mathematical world cannot be overstated. It is within these intricate configurations that we find the hidden gems of mathematical knowledge. By carefully examining its boundaries, we gain insight into the limitations and possibilities of our mathematical universe.

One of the defining features of the enhanced supercompact cardinal is the existence of an infinite hierarchy. These hierarchies manifest as layer upon layer of mathematical intricacies, each built on the foundation laid by the previous one. They evoke a sense of complexity reminiscent of the towering giants that once roamed the prehistoric Earth.

As I delved deeper into the study of the enhanced λ-supercompact cardinal, I was struck by the interplay between these hierarchies. Each layer introduces a new dimension of—mathematical richness, expanding our understanding and challenging our preconceptions. It is as if we are climbing a mathematical ladder, with each rung revealing a new vista of mathematical possibilities."

They both continued fishing, finally Oblivion's fishing rod moved, Oblivion pulled the rod slowly but surely, the fish began to appear, it was the same size as Alexander's fish, about 50 centimeters, it was a type of fish like a giant carp but it was safe to eat, then Oblivion stood up, "Let's go, this is enough for us to eat." then Alexander followed and put their fish in a sack.

They then went to look for wood among the forests, with the air faint because it was already night too, the sound of their footsteps could be heard clearly, they collected branches one by one but because Oblivion felt that it was not effective, Oblivion took one branch and created another branch or in cool language is duplicating objects, then Oblivion told Alexander to put all the equipment, there Oblivion used his power, he told the object to move by itself like it had life, even the object could not escape but was very obedient.

To be continued...