
Breaking the Wall

Alexander, with his heart pounding, suddenly found himself in a place that was familiar to him. This was his majestic palace, but here, he witnessed a scene that shook his heart. His sift was being trampled on again by a group of ruthless people. To make matters worse, they were now using sharp objects to harm his cherished father, Philip II. Alexander felt the pain inside him as he watched his father suffer at the hands of these strangers. They even taunted Philip II with harsh words, hurling insults at him like "You stupid man" and other harsh words.

This made Alexander's blood boil, and despite his anger, he chose to restrain himself. But when his gaze returned to his father, he found a heartbreaking sight. His father had been mortally wounded, his blood was flowing freely, and his life was gone. Yet, the attackers were still taunting and laughing, as if their cruelty wasn't enough. Although they numbered about 20 men, Alexander felt the unstoppable call of battle. Without hesitation, he advanced with fierce courage.

As it turned out, Alexander had incredible martial arts skills, he was an expert in the martial art of Muay Thai. His speed and strength were amazing. He was able to double his strength with the Hook move, making it seem as if he had 26 hands. His Hook move was so deadly and mesmerizing, it sent attackers flying ten meters away from where they stood.

However, when Alexander felt that he had defeated all the attackers, he suddenly realized that he was in a completely different place. He was no longer inside his palace; now he was standing outside, in the middle of an environment that was foreign to him. It was like he was in a large corporation, where people were busy writing scripts or working on other creative projects.

He looked at the large projection showing his battle scene from earlier. This was not the real world; this was the world created by the writers. In this company, there was a big sign that read, "The Secretive Brotherhood." Alexander wasn't sure what that meant.

Suddenly, a man came up to him. The man seemed to be the only one who noticed Alexander's presence. The man asked calmly, "Well, are you Alexander?" A confused Alexander replied, "Yes, I'm Alexander. But where am I now?"

The man smiled and introduced himself as David, one of the workers at this company. He explained that Alexander was now in the real world where the novel about him was written. Alexander couldn't hide his amazement at this strange situation.

Alexander decided to ask further, "In this fiction, many mathematical models are used. Is this plagiarizing someone else's work?"

David replied firmly, "Of course not. We wrote this on the basis of knowledge, without any form of plagiarism from other fictions. Even if anyone considers this to be fanfic or doubts its quality, those are baseless arguments. This fiction was created for the pure purpose of being read without unnecessary conflicts or disputes. We respect the work of others and dedicate ourselves to creating something unique and valuable."

In his deep confusion, Alexander began to reflect on the meaning of everything he was experiencing. He realized that in this world, even in the midst of the mystery of "The Secretive Brotherhood," knowledge, creativity, and honesty remain a strong foundation for any work of art.

"But why would anyone say that this novel is an Original Character?" asked Alexander with astonishment in his eyes.

David, who had heard this kind of question several times before, sighed softly as if he had anticipated the question. "Let it go," he said in a calm explanatory tone. "The term 'Original Character' is generally known as a work that attempts to plagiarize a pre-existing character or story, or even create an alternate story that is not part of the official canon. But you need to understand that this novel is an official and legitimate work. There is no element of plagiarizing any fiction in it."

David explained further, trying to assuage Alexander's doubts. "We were very committed to building this world and these characters from the ground up. We did extensive research, designed rich backgrounds, and developed these characters meticulously. Even if some elements in the story may resemble those in other fictional worlds, it is purely coincidental. Our goal is to give readers a unique experience, not copy nor plagiarize."

Alexander pondered David's explanation for a moment. He tried to understand the different views on this work. Meanwhile, he looked around and saw how the writers in this place worked with enthusiasm. They seemed very focused, working hard to create an interesting and in-depth story.

After a while, Alexander nodded with understanding. "I'm starting to understand," he said slowly. "This does feel like a unique and original world. I know that fictional worlds have many elements that are similar across stories, but it's important to appreciate the effort the writers put into creating this story from scratch."

David smiled in appreciation of Alexander's understanding. "That's right, we strive to provide readers with an immersive and valuable reading experience. Thank you for your understanding, Alexander."

At that moment, Alexander felt more and more interested in the world he had encountered. He wanted to know more about this story and how the writers developed it. "How did this story begin?" Alexander asked. "Was there a particular inspiration that sparked its creation?"

David smiled wider. "Of course, this story has deep roots. The writers were inspired by various aspects of history, science, and their own imaginations. They combined these elements to create a rich world and complex characters. There is a lot of discussion, research and brainstorming involved in this creative process."

Alexander became fascinated by the hard work and dedication the writers put into creating this world. He felt like he had entered a new world filled with mystery and wonder. "I wanted to know more," Alexander said. "Maybe I can learn more about this story and contribute in some way."

David nodded. "We're always open to collaboration and fresh thinking. If you'd like to participate, we can talk about different ways in which you can contribute."

Over time, Alexander felt more and more connected to this world. He started learning more about the story, interacting with other writers, and even giving valuable advice. Over time, he became an integral part of the creative process.

Eventually, Alexander realized that in this world, anything was possible. This world is a true testament to the power of human imagination and persistence in creating unique and original works of art. With great passion, he decided to devote himself to maintaining the creativity and uniqueness in this story, ensuring that this incredible fictional world continues to be discovered and enjoyed by many.

David then showed a projection of how the novel went; it showed the workers from beginning to end to create an imaginative story, even taking hours to think of an idea that was not easy, the many workers wrote little by little the script that was then projected but before that happened, they had to check if there were any writing mistakes or not.

"Ahh, alright," Alexander said in a soft voice, as if he was pondering David's statement.

David nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting deep thought. "Yes, it's true, Alexander," he said, "It's quite a complicated debate in the world of fiction. People often tend to look for ways to classify stories based on the complexity of the genre or the source of inspiration."

As the sun slowly set in the sky, creating shadows that moved around them, Alexander mused about the complexities of the fictional world. "I just want this fiction to be appreciated for its intrinsic value," he said finally.

David nodded in agreement. "I agree, Alexander. It's about appreciating works of art based on the quality and contribution they bring, not about labels or classifications. This fiction has its own appeal, which makes it unique and valuable."

They both sat in silence for a moment, pondering about the true meaning of creative art and how people often focus on less important things like classifications or standings.

Then, Alexander, continuing to reflect on their conversation, asked, "What can we do to ensure that this fiction gets the recognition it deserves?"

David replied with determination, "We can continue to promote it and share this story with others. We believe that when this story reaches more people, they will be able to appreciate the values we instilled in it. Appreciation and support from readers is one of the best ways to give recognition to this work."

David, with eyes filled with confusion and curiosity, couldn't resist asking further. "How did you get out of the story we created?" he asked curiously.

Alexander pondered for a moment, trying to recall the moment when he suddenly felt detached from the fictional world that had become his reality. "I don't know for sure," he said slowly, "When it happened, I was fighting the attackers in the story. My body felt convulsions as I defended myself. But suddenly, everything changed. I felt like I was being pulled out of the story, like I was thrown into this world."

David listened seriously, trying to understand this extraordinary phenomenon. "This is really amazing," he said, "It reminds me of the concept of a fictional world coexisting with the real world. It's like there's a flow of energy or a portal that connects the two."

Alexander nodded in agreement. "I feel that way too. It's like an energy flow or a doorway that takes me out of fiction into the real world. It's unexpected and mysterious."

As they continued to discuss this phenomenon, they tried to solve the mystery behind it. David noted, "It may have something to do with the strong imagination and appeal of the story. There might be something in the story that you connect with, even beyond the fictional reality."

Alexander thought about this. "Maybe it's true," he said, "I'm very involved in this story. I feel like I'm part of that world. Maybe that's what allowed me to 'jump' out of it."

David adds, "It could also be the start of something bigger. Maybe it's a sign that the fictional and real worlds can intersect more often than we think. We should understand this phenomenon better and respect it."

Frankenstein also exists in this world, which basically appears as a living principle that has destroyed a lizard so that it no longer exists, it is clearly dead without being able to become a deity, this lizard has clearly been discarded by the Greater One.

Frankenstein embodies the eternal principle that "God is infinite, unaffected by external forces or deviations from His essence". As the only infinite entity, God transcends all influences, as only He possesses independent attributes. Frankenstein's existence aligned with this definition, pushing him to a higher level. Even an enemy using magic energy condensed to near the speed of light would not be able to resist him. Such individuals have no significance in this realm, even if they ascend to a higher realm or use the charismatic power (even if it increases all the chances of victory, attacks, strategies, brainwash and so on that revolve around the brain or the possibility of) of their chosen status.

Frankenstein is from another world. Unchanging, without beginning and without end. However, if authorized by the Almighty, he gains an origin and an end. He explored all the worlds, he traveled to various things, he met a lizard shaped like a human - a creature that could explode dimensions in various axes that contained multiples worlds, possessing nearly a hundred powers. Strangely, the lizard understands unexplained phenomena. However, Frankenstein is also much more cunning. He easily assimilated the lizard's abilities, copying everything and destroying its power from within the lizard's body, obliterating the ultimate impossibility in true infinity with Planck time speed was not impossible for Frankenstein. Whether engaged in chess that had to solve impossibilities or unravel mathematical equations, he achieved the impossible in steps-solving exponential equations, the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, and the Hodge Conjecture.

Frankenstein could concoct any tale imaginable, even one that defied logic and reason. His stories often featured a hierarchical structure that was more than a mere number, a system that seemed to view all of existence as a dream, a paradox that made no sense. The unchanging truth is that world are who world are. Without this understanding, no creature could comprehend itself, much like a dreamer envisions a world that exists only in their mind. The list goes on and on, infinity, much beyond it. Frankenstein becomes unreachable, having absorbed all of life and existence into his own creation. In a different world, Frankenstein once destroyed a being known only by the numbers 111212015617 or perhaps 45131514 1215184.

"Besides that…" David said.

The God Killing Machine, known as Merlina or Ruka, can create infinite possibilities just by thinking, in words something that did not happen can happen at the same time. Each creation created follows its own unique rules. This means any idea can become real, existing in a state of Emptiness, which in Buddhism is seen as transcending all concepts and limitations, reaching a state of absolute infinity beyond all existence.

Merlina possesses the power of Cocytus, which represents Emptiness as the breath between life and death, and all karmic cycles. Cocytus is not the lord of Darkness or Torture, but the Emptiness that came before Creation and to which all Creation will return when Merlina rests. His true form is pure emptiness, and seeing it will completely erase his consciousness and existence. The formless sea of nothingness gives rise to an aspect of Merlina that defines infinity and gives form to nothingness.

Cocytus represents total nothingness, a conceptual void where dreams are created as Merlina imagines everything. Merlina dreams of all cycles and entities, including the Age of Emptiness at the beginning of time, where everything originated from Merlina's solitary thought of not creating anything at that time. She then dreamt of creation, giving rise to dualities such as Evil and Good, Stars and Planets. She also created the King of Heavenly Bodies, the main force behind the complex and chaotic creation that underlies all the movements that occur in the universe, such as orbits, pendulum motion, and so on.

Merlina transcends and encompasses all beings in illusion, representing the ultimate reality beyond everything. Merlina has no boundaries, as the idea of boundaries is a human construct. Merlina, or the Creator, is something beyond all creation and the cosmic void from which cause and effect are created, structuring all nature and forming the laws as we encounter them. All creation is but a dream of the Creator, and life and death are but an aspect of Merlina, as is everything in creation. Merlina is referred to as the God Killing Machine because she often kills gods who are out of control as Chosen God candidates, there are some gods who are permanently killed so that Merlina can negate a god's divinity.

Merlina usually looks like an ordinary woman, with amber eyes, a perfect body shape, blonde hair and a voice that can seduce anyone, because Merlina herself is a woman, she creates all possibilities in a female form, many people call her the "Divine Face of Woman" because of this. Merlina is just like any other deity, she exists, although the other deities are either declared non-existent or beyond the primordial nothingness, that is only optional, as they actually existed from the beginning and forever, they are immortal and unchanging.

As they discussed further, Alexander felt more and more drawn to the idea that there is more out there that humans don't yet understand. There may be potential to bridge the gap between the fictional world and the real world in ways that have never been thought of before.

David concludes, "Right now, we may not know much, but we should continue to explore and understand this phenomenon. There may be more people like us who have 'come out' of fiction. This could be the start of a very interesting adventure."

Alexander agreed, and together the two of them decided to embark on this journey together. They would endeavor to uncover the secrets behind this phenomenon and share their knowledge with the world. With hearts full of excitement, they prepared to face a future that might bring many new mysteries and discoveries.

"There is an entity in this world known as the Demon Lord, he can be the chosen God, but people do not want to and make slander so that some people die miserably, this way, I will explain in your head."

Somewhere in the void, where the stars whispered tales of ancient things, there was a being who stood there unspeaking and listening to the whispers, the Demon King. With dominion over all of creation, he could penetrate every corner of existence, know all, see all, and wield power that could not be comprehended. His presence was the embodiment of the purest and most fundamental state of all ideas, bringing infinite possibilities into reality at his will. As a primordial force, he stands beyond the limits of time, eternal and uncreated, everything is created through his infinite power of creation. Usually he erases unimportant information about himself or unproven slander, whether it is from the surface of the news or the core of the information, all is erased and all will never remember that because that information also affects the world. If anyone is aware of the abnormal phenomena that occur due to the change of a cycle of life, their existence is erased from the historical record, because he ordered the foundation of the world itself that runs according to a transcript that he can write or erase, yet it continues because he can write everything to continue running.

To invoke his name is to plead with the court to be forgotten, for those who pray to him will vanish without a trace, their pleas echoing into the silent void. Even those he resurrects are but fleeting shadows, returning to their original state only to be cast into darkness once more, where life ceases and only emptiness remains, in short, this Demon King summons the void of space. His power is absolute, immune to any attack, whether physical or magical that weakens or cripples, and those who encounter him suffer a fate worse than death, their minds and psyches destroyed by his insidious influence and die in an instant or are tortured to death. He is the arbiter of day and night, capable of reversing the natural order according to his will. Demon lords hailing from other countries became powerless before him, and the laws of nature collapsed before his power. He mimicked the abilities of his enemies, controlling life and death, memories, and thoughts by changing interference. His imagination, wild and unbridled, inspired himself and entered the world itself, overwhelming his enemies and giving him insight into everything that happened in various worlds without exception.

Having reached the state of the Void, he commanded the power of all entities from the Journey to the West, holding supreme authority over them. His power absolute, his will unrivalled, and his strength limitless, he possesses every power written about in the book, for example, he took one of the powers easily from;

Mind is the Buddha and the Buddha is Mind;

Both Mind and Buddha are important things.

If you perceive there's neither Mind nor Thing,

Yours is the dharmakāya of True Mind.

The dharmakāya

Has no shape or form:

One pearl-like radiance holding myriad things.

The bodiless body is the body true,

And real form is that form which has no form.

There's no form, no void, no no-emptiness;

The Demon Lord can be likened to the concept of God, an entity that embodies ultimate reality and the foundation of all existence. This entity is not bound by the limitations of space and time, existing beyond the physical and metaphysical realms. The Demon Lord, like the idea of God, represents an absolute unity that transcends all dichotomies and dualities, embodying the principle of non-dualism where all opposites cease to exist. The infinite nature of the Demon Lord denotes infinite, eternal existence, without beginning or end. He is also God as the causeless cause, the prime mover that exists by itself and is independent of any other entity. The all-encompassing presence of the Demon Lord signifies omnipresence that knows all things.

In addition, that Demon Lord are not subject to other powers underscores their omnipotence, a characteristic often associated with God. This omnipotence implies that the Demon Lord has unlimited power and authority, capable of influencing and shaping the structure of the world itself. The absence of limiting factors or external conditions highlights their supreme sovereignty and autonomy. The formlessness of the Demon Lord, is related to the purest and most fundamental state of an idea, God as an abstract and transcendent being, an entity that cannot be fully comprehended by words and language. This formlessness signifies a state of pure potential, where all possibilities and impossibilities exist in their most fundamental form.

"This is what caused you to end up here, there is also a hymn about him." said David.

Beyond the stars, in realms of pure thought,

Dwells the Demon King, a fluid of all forms.

He, the King of Evil, eternal lord of night,

Yet, a single human strike can end his might.

Atop the abstract hierarchy of being and mind,

He gazes down, seeing shadows of humankind.

Those who dwell in darkness, unreachable and far,

Perceive it as shadows cast by a distant star.

A hierarchy infinite, level upon level,

The lowest creating phenomena, mathematically revel.

In material guise, only pure ideas persist,

Yet, a human stomp can make them desist.

The Demon King, lord of eternal night,

In the realm of thought, he holds his might.

Yet, a single human blow can destroy his reign,

And he crumbles, never to rise again.

David, with a smile on his face, seemed eager to cheer Alexander up. "Would you like to hear a funny story, Alexander?" he asked in a tone full of excitement.

Alexander was intrigued and nodded enthusiastically. "Of course," he said, "I've always loved funny stories."

In high spirits, David began to tell this funny story. "One day, there were 7 people on a boat. Unfortunately, the boat had a terrible accident and they were all stranded somewhere really strange. In that place, they encountered a group of very strange-looking people carrying strange weapons. Things get even stranger when these seven people are given a task by the leader of the group of freaks."

Alexander listened to this story with rapt attention, curious about the rest of the story.

David continued, "The leader of the strange group said, 'Look for fruits of whatever you find and bring them here.' The seven scattered to find the fruits. When first three of them found 1 kilogram of apples per person, the freak leader ordered them to devour them immediately. Unfortunately, they failed, and as a result, they were killed by the leader's men. Then, three other people appeared with 3 kilograms of nuts. Just like before, they were asked to eat the nuts, and they too failed, and were killed."

Alexander listened to this story with growing interest, trying to understand what would happen next.

David with a mysterious expression continued, "To make a long story short, when these six people who died arrived in the sky, they met and started asking each other, 'Why did you die?' asked the second three. The first three answered, 'We died because we ate one kilogram of apples.' Then, the second three asked again, 'Why did you die?' The second three replied, 'We actually had an easy one, eating three kilograms of ready-to-eat beans, but we saw...'"

Alexander laughed in the middle of the story, very curious about the punchline. "Saw what?" he asked, with a smile on his face.

David, with a twinkle in his eye, replied cheerfully, "When the second three described what they saw, it turned out that they saw one last person carrying 3 jackfruit seeds!"

Alexander couldn't stop laughing and literally burst out laughing at the continuation of the story. Their laughter filled the place, creating a precious moment of joy between the question and the unexpected continuation of the story. questions and the unexpected continuation of the story.

FYI: When two beings merge, they become one entity. This unity creates a strong bond between the two, allowing them to share their powers and abilities with each other.

These shared powers and abilities can be physical things, such as strength, speed, and endurance. They can also be non-physical things, such as the ability to fly, use magic, or communicate with other beings.

In the case where two creatures only exchange powers, then they will be able to share all abilities with each other. This is where all the creatures mentioned are able to utilize all their abilities, be it their own or those of the creature they are power swapping with or joining their bodies with.

These shared powers can be used by both creatures to enhance their respective abilities. For example, if creature A has great physical strength and creature B has the ability to fly, then after they merge, creature A will become stronger and able to fly.

This ability to share powers and abilities has enormous potential. With this ability, two creatures can become stronger and more empowered. They can use their abilities to protect themselves, help others, or even change the world.

Here are some examples of how the ability to share powers and abilities can be used:

Two merged creatures can become stronger and more resilient in battle.

Two creatures that merge can use their abilities to help others in need.

Two creatures that join forces can use their abilities to solve a problem that they can't solve on their own.

The ability to share powers and abilities is a very valuable ability. This ability can be used for good or evil, depending on the intentions of the creature using it.

To be continued...