

"Maia," Bree barely breathes my name. A flicker of recognition forms in her eyes, but as quickly as it appears, it is gone. "This is Diego," she says, gesturing to the boy next to her. Diego surprises us both when he offers his hand as a greeting. I smile and shake it. Normally I would be wary in getting this close to another vampire, especially newborns, but Bree and Diego seem different. They seem genuine and friendly. Of course, this could all be a façade. They could still want to kill me, but what would be the point? What will it give them if they kill me? I have known enough newborns to know that they always have a motive.

Diego withdraws his hand and slides it into his pocket. There's an awkward silence whilst each of us figures out how to proceed. It has started to drizzle and the roof we stand on provides no shelter whatsoever. "Why are you here?" Diego suddenly asks. "Why come to Seattle of all places? Do you live here?" He is asking too many questions, but the simple curiosity I can feel building inside him amuses me. He is but a boy, trying to understand the way of this new world that he is now part of. If my story can help him in any way, then I shall give him that.

"I'm looking for someone." My response is vague and I can feel that I am pulling on both of their interest. They want to know more. "I am looking for someone whom I love. I have reason to believe he is here, in Seattle."

"Is he one of us? You know; a vampire?" Bree asks. I nod and grimace at the same time. I remember that night; the horror that washed over his face when he discovered who I was, what I was. I remember the other fateful day. This was the day that changed it all; the shots that sounded across the university canteen. He tried to save me, but I was the one who ended up saving him. I blink a little to shock myself out of this state. I cannot show weakness in front of these two.

"Can I ask his name?" Bree says, tentatively. I can feel anxiety mixed with curiosity radiating from her.

I take a deep breath. "Fred. His name is Fred."

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