Chapter 14

"Come with me, don't look back, Gregory is waiting for us in the kitchen" says my mother while we didn't stop walking in a hurry so as not to run and make some kind of fuss.

I didn't say anything, she was too nervous to be able to say anything, my mother kept looking ahead, and I was looking lost in the crowd.

We walked together until we reached the kitchen of the restaurant, the place was quite large, at least fifteen people could fit inside without having to worry about someone colliding with another and ending up in an accident.

Inside the kitchen, there were at least 8 people dressed in white uniforms as chefs, and there was also one person who stood out from the rest, because it was a man who, instead of being dressed in white, was dressed in black, besides that he also wore a straight cap on top of his head that made him look with a much larger head than normal.

I assumed that he would be my mother's friend, Gregory, and although my mother mentioned him at home on many occasions, just as my father has also done so because the three of them are friends, I had never had the opportunity to meet him until now that I really seemed to have the need to do so.

"Audrey! Alessandra! What a joy that you have recovered your daughter and that she is safe and sound! " says Gregory seeing how we got closer to where he was, my mother greeted him with a hug, and a kiss on the cheek, and I only greeted him with a hug, although I didn't really want to do it because I was very afraid of that perhaps Matteo would enter through that door, and then he would see me in a scene that he should not have seen me because who knows what revenge he could give me for a misunderstanding.

"Yes, I know, I just ran into her, I didn't expect to find her here, but that's how things happened, now, I need you to help us get out of here without anyone seeing us" my mother says to Gregory while speaking in a whisper as if she didn't want anyone else there to hear what she was saying.

My mother also had the same fear as me.

"Yes, of course, there is a door here that is used only by kitchen employees, that door leads us to the parking lot, why don't you call your driver to turn around and come here? That way no one will be able to see when they leave because they have already gotten into the vehicle quickly "says Gregory, also speaking in a low voice because it seemed that he was understanding what was happening.

"That's a very good idea, but we would have one last favor to ask of you," says my mother.

"Which?" asks his friend curiously.

"Do you have any other cook uniforms over there that you can lend us both? It is that the truth is that we do not want anyone to see us go out, and what better than wearing a costume so that no one recognizes us" says my mother.

That brilliant idea that my mother had just now would not have occurred to me, the truth is that I was submerged in my fear, I was doing what Matteo could do to me where he saw me run away that it would not have occurred to me a good plan like that.

"Yes, I have a couple of costumes that could serve them, with them no one will notice that they are women if they see them from afar" says my mother's friend.

My mother and I look at each other and immediately smile at each other because we thought it was a great idea, my mother's friend signals us to follow him, and we listen to him, we go behind him to a place that was like a kind of mini room, there were only benches stuck against the wall that gave the shape of a square except until you reach the door.

On the wall, they had metal coat racks hanging, some were empty with nothing to hang on them, others were busy with sacks on top and other things that appeared to be close.

Also in one corner, there was what was a rather large black cabinet.

Gregory has approached that closet, has opened its doors, and from inside, has taken out two hooks, both hooks had two uniforms hanging, one white like the one used by his restaurant workers, and the other dark blue.

"I have these, they are my spare uniforms for when there is a culinary accident, you can take them with you and when you get home, you can send them back to me with your driver" says my mother's friend, giving each of us their corresponding suit.

I got the blue suit, and my mother the white suit.

"We will, thanks for everything Greg" says my mother with a smile in her eyes.

Gregory smiles back at my mother, and leaves the dressing room to let my mother and I change our clothes, because as much as we wanted to put our clothes on top, the shirt over the dress would work, but it wouldn't work because to put the clothes on pants would be too uncomfortable because the dress wouldn't let us wear it very well, and we wouldn't be able to walk either.

My mother and I changed clothes, and once we're ready, we grabbed our dresses and left the dressing room, Gregory was waiting for us outside.

"Oh! If it is not because I have known them for a long time, I could say that I would not recognize them in that outfit, they look very good" says Gregory.

My mother and I smile.

"Thank you, we really have to thank you for this one day" I tell Gregory with a grateful smile on my face.

"No problem, by the way, I have some chocolate cupcakes with strawberry icing and filling aside that were delicious, they are your father's favorites, could you take them?" says Gregory.

"Yes, of course I do," I reply.