Chapter 16

When we enter the house, my father informs me that he will continue to the kitchen, and I tell him that I will go to my room because I really wanted to go take a bath in my bathtub, enjoy the hot water that takes over my body, and at the same time, enjoy my cup of hot chocolate with my cupcake.

I then rush up the stairs to the second floor of the mansion, and walk down the hall until I reach my room, it was a huge room, and I loved it because the decoration was literally inspired by the room of a character from one of my favorite movies from Disney, the princess diaries, yes, since I was a child I have always loved both movies, and when my parents told me they were going to build a mansion, I immediately asked my mother to build my room that was identical to the one in Mia Termopolis, and my mother fulfilled it.

I enter my room when I open the door, and I feel a peace take over my whole being, I relax, close the door, and he approached me to my bathroom, which was also huge enough to fit the sink, the shower, a bathtub and even the toilet.

I approach the bathtub, and I do the combination of cold water with hot water to let the empty bathtub begin to fill up to its point, in addition to that, I take one of the transparent bottles that contained a fuchsia liquid inside to start spreading them all over the tub.

They were bubbles.

I put the jar back in its place when I've finished pouring the necessary amount into the tub, and begin to strip down to just my underwear.

But soon, the little peace that I had recovered when I returned home was disturbed, because suddenly, I began to feel too nervous, and at the same time, I began to feel as if someone was watching me when despite this I was completely alone in my room, however, my hair stood on end, my body froze, and my breathing began to become more agitated with no way to contain it.

Out of instinct, I decided to turn around, and that's when I saw him.

Matteo was there, standing behind me, wearing the same suit he wore to his business dinner, he was looking at me with a very cold intensity on his face, he was looking at me with anger, wanting to kill me once and for all, it was throwing sparks.

"What... what are you doing here?" I ask Matteo, trying to contain the nerves I felt when I saw him.

But Matteo hasn't said anything, he just stared at me, his gaze submerged in a sea of ​​rage, I swallow saliva, and I decide to stay still, I wanted to scream, but nevertheless, I was sure that I wasn't going to be able to do it, where to think about doing it, who knows what might have happened.

Soon, the loud knock of someone knocking on the door has scared me more than I already was, it was so scared that I felt that I even did not hesitate to scream as if I had been the main character in a horror movie that had been scared with having seen the most terrifying ghost right in front of him.

The door opens, and I see my mother enter with a silver tray in her hands, on the tray she brought a cup of hot chocolate, a chocolate cupcake, and a sandwich served on a plate.

I turn to look at my mother, and then I look back to the front, right where Matteo had appeared, he had vanished, because the truth was that there was nothing there.

"Are you OK? Have you seen a ghost? My mother asks after having brought the tray closer to the small coffee table that I have in the middle of the room that is right in the middle of my room.

"Yes, I'm fine, nothing's wrong" I reply to my mother, lying to her.

"Safe? Well, if you're feeling down, anyway, there's nothing in life a cup of hot cocoa with a Gregory cupcake won't fix, plus I made you your favorite salami, cheese, and pickle sandwich.

"Thanks mom, if you'll excuse me, I'll get in the bathtub, it's already filling up, and I want to relax" I tell my mother while I smile at her so that she can be calm that nothing was happening to me.

My mother smiles at me.

"Yes, it's fine, when you're done, you can stay here, don't worry about your father and me, we'll have dinner in the dining room, you must be exhausted" she says.

I nod in response, my mother approaches me, she kisses me on the forehead, and then she leaves my room while she closed the door behind her.

I was left alone in my room again, and I felt terrified just thinking that I was going crazy seeing that image of Matteo just when I thought tranquility was returning to my life.

But at the same time, I kept wondering what could Matteo be doing right now that he has realized that I had managed to escape from his hands?

However, I did not want to let my thoughts torture me anymore, and better, I got ready to finish undressing, letting my underwear fall to the floor, and then, I got into the bathtub, immediately feeling the warm water embrace my bare skin.

I close the water faucets so that it doesn't drop anymore, and the bubbles that have been made as the water has grown inside the bathtub have completely covered my skin until the only thing that was visible were my shoulders and my head.

Finally, I just close my eyes, and I begin to let the tension in my body disappear as soon as possible because really, even if it wasn't much, I still wanted to forget about what I had experienced with Matteo.