Chapter 28

"No, I'm sorry, you're not going to be able to convince me, see you later, I'll bring you a blanket, and if you want even a pillow and a mat, but nothing else, okay?" He said.

Wow, this man was beyond hard to convince when he doesn't approve of anything anyone has asked of him.

I don't say anything, I just nod and let him walk away with the garbage of the food he was carrying.

He has gone and left me here alone, luckily, he has not wanted to put the tape in my mouth again, and he has not wanted to have to tie his feet and arms to the chair again, it seems that he is It has been one of the first confidence tests for me, or well, that's what I think he could be doing for now.

As the minutes pass that I can't count why I don't have a watch on hand to know exactly what time it is, I ask myself, has Matteo noticed that I'm not there?

I didn't know.