Chapter 58

"Yes I am, why?" I have responded to Edward after I have returned from having gone into my deepest thoughts.

"Nothing, it's just that you've been very quiet about what I told you" he said.

I complain, as if by doing so he wants to stop meddling in my personal affairs.

"Yeah, stay out of my business too much if you don't want me to end up firing you," I tell Edward, hoping my voice sounds threatening enough that he'll want to shut up.

"Well, don't get hysterical, I'm not getting into your life, I just wanted to know if you were okay with everything that's happening with Alessandra" he said.

"Yes, well, you already called me to tell me, do you need anything else?" I ask, hoping by now he'll be able to want to hang up and leave me to my alone time.

"No, I don't need anything else, I'll call you when I know something about the plans they have against you, that's why you hired me" Edward said.