"You should come live with me." My Boss slash boyfriend, Tristan Travis, suggested.

Ever since I was transferred to work here in the states, he has been so nice and caring towards me. We've been courting for merely three weeks now and our relationship is progressing.

He owns the airline company am working with – one of the biggest. I know a few story about his background.

His wife walked out on him seventeen years ago because he is azoospermia. He adopted his younger sister's quintuplets. Reynolds, Rose, Rachel, Ryan and Ria.

She was the only family he had left after his parents passed away. And she was poisoned by her maid one month after she gave birth. Just because of jealousy and enviousness of not able to have her own child.

The maid was sentenced to death by hanging. Tristan made sure of it – according to him. Ever since that time, he had been the one taking care of the kids.

They're of the same age as Irene. I used to see them around whenever I go to Tristan's place but...

"Tristan, you know how much your kids hate me. They don't like me." Especially the last one. That girl detests me like hell!

"Is that why you've been refusing to spend the night at my place for over a week now?"

For the past two weeks, he's been asking me to come over to his place and I've been refusing and declining him everytime he asks.

The last time I went there, Reynolds and Rachel where fighting with the kitchen utensils inside the kitchen – I bumped in for a mug of coffee when I witnessed the scene.

But when I wanted to separate them, they used me as their settling avatar.

I never knew they both planned a fight to set me up. They knew well that I'll fall for their trap.

I rubbed my temple and concentrated on my meal. We were having breakfast in a fine Mexican restaurant.

"If your kids are out of the country, I'll come."

"Of course they are." He said. "Last weekend they boarded off to my residence in Honolulu. They're on a vacation and will be coming back this weekend."

Just a week?

Damn if I had knew this before, I wouldn't have wasted much money in that five fucking star hotel.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I sighed. I know what I have missed so far.

He chuckled, "I did. You are the one who didn't want to come. See? Not my fault now."

"No. If you had told me your kids were out of the country, I wouldn't have declined." I roll my eyes.

How much I crave making love with him for so long after the last time.

"Okay. Let's make up for later. What do you say?"

"And then you'll want me residing in your estate? Nope!" I disagrees. I know Tristan, he'll beg me to death if I spend just one night at his place.

"You are really stubborn, Virginia." He rose his brow and leaned his arms on the table. "Okay, if you don't want to come live with me. I'll arrange a place for you, then."

This guy...

Why does he want to take responsibility of everything? I can do my things my own way by myself, I don't just want to bother him with my personal problems. Besides, he has done so much already.

"Tristan," I cleared my throat. "I am rich. Am not some kind of poor low life woman who can't help herself. I am fine and can manage."

"Stop gloating with your bank account, baby. I know you have the funds to fuel your needs before I insisted. I am your boyfriend and it is my responsibility to take good care of you and know you're safe with me. I should have done this long when we started dating. Just let me do my duty."

Fine. He won. If I continue insisting, he'll still win. So, what's the incense?

I took his hand in mine and clasped it for a long while. "Thank you." I mouthed to him and he kissed the back of my hand.

"Anything for my baby girl."


Later in the evening, Tristan and I were in his penthouse busy making wild love.

I crave for this moment and it came.

We got tired after several rounds and rested for some time. He said he was going to the bathroom to shower and wanted me to go with him.

But before I could answer, my phone rang. I told him to go and I'll join him shortly after seeing it was an unknown number on the ID.

I was expecting Coral's call. She said to call me later at this hour. Am sure she still will. She won't be using an unknown number for me after we first talked in the afternoon, right?

I answered the call and what greeted me from the other side was the voice of a woman moaning and screaming softly.

Then, I also heard loud music playing on the background and people cheering and whooping.

I was going to say...WHO. THE. HELL. IS. THIS?!

Then I heard…..

"Hi, Vagina."

Geez! Him again? What does he want? How the hell did he got my number?!

Who gave this son of a bitch my phone number? I don't remember sharing contact with him till today.

"I, Virginia Greene. I am going to screw you and whosoever gave my contact to you."

I had to bring my voice down before Tristan suspects anything fishy .

The animal laughed richly and kept growling like he was trying to push through into something.

So there is a party going on in my apartment right now? This guy really got some guts. Someone needs to teach him a lesson.

"What are you doing?" I am forced to ask. The lewd sounds are almost blocking my eardrums.

"About your number….." Is he panting now? Did he do some marathon just now? "I'll tell you when you get home. Besides, the person that gave it to me is right here, so, If you're going to still screw us, you better come quick before the other person leaves. Moreover…..did you heard that sound? That's my date screaming in pain and pleasure. I just dealt with a new virgin."


It reminds me of all my precious time wasted in the hands of Marc Jacobs.

I try to put myself in the shoes of that young girl who just lost her virginity to a retarded parasite. What if he just raped her? What if he grabbed her from the street and touched her without her consent? What if she's homeless or an orphan who did what she did for the sake of money?

Just imagine her to be my daughter for instance made me gag out of the bed and put on my dress quickly.

I need to report this boy to the authorities. But at the same time, I pity for him because he is motherless.

Mothers are the pillars of the family. There are barely homes without mothers who could still stand firm.

Take a look at Tristan. He raised up five children on his own – both with the talent of a father and mother. He cooks and clean and did their diapers all alone.

It wasn't easy. If it's hard for a woman talk much of a man.

Am sure this is one of the reasons why Sebastian lacks home training and disciplines. This might be the reason for his rudeness and stubbornness.

He didn't experience motherly love and care. Am sure his father couldn't raise him on his own. The boy lacks citadel in his life and for what he has become now, it'll be so difficult to straighten his attitude.

He is just like the saying. When a fish is fresh, you can still bend and straighten it. But when it is dry and you try to twist it, it'll break.

Sebastian is a notorious and prodigal kid. It'll be too difficult to caution and nurture such kid.

Tristan walked out of the bathroom with white towel tied around his waist. His wet hair dripping on his shoulders and bare upper body.

"Are you leaving? I thought you said to have shower with me."

How do I explain things to you, honey?

I have to go rescue that young girl and meet the person that gave my number to Sebastian.

Too much to tell you now, hon.

I went to him and peck his lips. "Something just occur and seek my attention at home now. Am sorry, baby."

"But you said you'll be spending the night with me. Now am gonna have to sleep on this scary bed alone." He looks so much like a grumpy child whenever he's unhappy.

I chuckled and pull his chin, teasingly. "I promise to spend the entire days with you until your kids arrive."

It took him time to say…. "Promise?"

I clasp my arms around my chest as I made an X sign. "I promise and hope to die if am faking."

He let out a deep breath and pull me into a hug. He planted a kiss on my forehead before taking his phone to call someone.

"Kelvin, get the car ready. You'll be dropping my woman at her place."
