The next morning, I woke up to find myself lying inside a different decoration of room.

This is not mine. My room doesn't have wallpapers and stickers of famous artists – 50 cent, Tupac Shakur, Nicki Minaj and City girls on bikini, Eminem, Lil Wayne, A$ap rocky, Twista, DAX, Pop smoke, Snoop Dogg and Jay Z. Glued on the walls.

On another side, my eyes flicked on the basketball net hung at the top of the wall and a basketball sitting on the table.

Book shelves on another end and music instruments – studio equipments too.

I instantly sat up in one move and rake my messy hair with my fingers.

One mind told me to look underneath myself inside the sheets. I did and my eyes pop wide open when I realize I was totally naked with nothing.

Jesus! What the hell happened?

Did we....


If I remember, I didn't had a glass of wine last night, talk much of getting drunk. I was sober. Not high.

Were my brain not thinking straight?

Ah, Virginia, you're just the saying AN IRRESPONSIBLE WOMAN!

I can't believe I slept with him. The same castrated animal I used to gag from my presence.


There's only one thing I must do now, if I have to avoid him for the rest of my life. Because I know he will no longer see me the same as before.

He never sees me the same before then last night stuff suddenly shows up. What will he think of me now if he sees me?

A cheap mother-fucking whore? Or I was too easy to fall for his touch?

Only one thing I must do now. And that is to.....PACK OUT!

I ran nakedly into my room which was next door. I pull out the empty luggage from under my bed and started packing all my clothes.

I don't know where am going but I need to pack out first. Ideas can come later.

But just then, I remembered something. A groan of frustration escape my mouth. I curse myself underneath my breath.

I can find my handbag anywhere around me now. I must have left it downstairs during the party. My phone and gadgets are in it and ....

There it is!

I found my handbag sitting on my vanity table but.... How the hell did it got there from all the way downstairs?

Did he put it there? Was he in my room last night while I was asleep in his?

No time to check the time.

I hasten towards my handbag. The first thing I checked was my phone.

A good morning message from Irene, sweet text with lovely emojis from Tristan and Coral's two missed calls.

I swipe the notification bar and check the time.


Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! And fuck again!

I'm on duty for fuck sake. If not that am Tristan's girlfriend, he'd have fired me by now. Or maybe, someone from the HR department would have emailed me a resignation letter two hours ago.

I fasten into the bathroom and washed my face. The moment I stare at my image in the mirror, anger hit my veins again.

That coward surely left his signatures and autographs on my neck.

How much I hate hickeys.

How do I explain this if Tristan sees me looking like this with all of these things hanging around my neck like a necklace?

I kept quiet for a long while.

Think, think, think!

I know what to do now.

I took a quick bath and changed into a black turtle neck dress – Body-hug.

This serves right. I think.

I wore a long grey jacket and left the room with my luggage.

The luggage won't be a problem at work. Inside that sweet text I received from Tristan, he told me my new apartment was ready and I should come check it out.


I startled for a while, my hand on my chest. Did I just heard my name right? Did Sebastian just pronounced my name correctly?

No. This must be me dream or am overthinking.

I shook my head slightly and continue walking down the stairs with my luggage while he stood at the closed door – looking simple in a white and white hoodie and sweatpants.

Hey, just get out of my way or I might crush you like I've always said!

Is he still there? Am almost getting to the end of the stairs and he just stood there staring at me both hands in his pockets – with the confused expression written on his face.

"Wait, are you leaving?"

No. Am coming, jackass.

I just ignored him.

"Virginia?!" He called my name with authority like he was my boyfriend.

I stopped when I got to the end of the stairs and looked at him. "So you'd know how to pronounce my name all these while and you've just been putting on a show."

He march towards me. His gaze meeting mine.

Why do I feel like he suddenly changed after last night? His way of approach, his way of staring at me – how he even called my NAME!

I think he's acting more mature than his age now.

"Am sorry about last night." Did he just apologized? Dude, this guy have no words that represent APOLOGY in his dictionary! "I crossed my limit but…..I don't regret it."

Wow. This is getting interesting.

I cross my arms and raise one brow.

He continued and I paid attention. "I have never felt the way I feel now after last night – about you."


"Yes." He nodded. "Virginia, I...I don't know if this feels right but…..I…..I like you."

Oh my God. This is so, so hilarious. Is he kidding me now?

Is he confessing his feelings to me?

"Sorry, I laughed but it sounds so much like a joke to me. Please, excuse me. My boyfriend is waiting for me – besides, he'll screw you and hate me less if he finds out about last night."

I carried my luggage, ready to move. But this ogre still stood on my way.

"Am serious, Virginia." What is the meaning of this drama now? "Am into you. Not just starting from last night but since the very first day I met you here. I've never felt this way for anyone before in my entire life. And I swear to you, I don't care if your boyfriend could kill me if he finds out."

I just stood there, staring at him like he was some kind of clown. But as I kept my gaze on his, I realize that he was serious about everything he just said.

But I can't give myself away – not for a boy old enough to be my son?

It doesn't makes sense nor seem right.

"Look, Sebastian…." I sighed. "I understand your lovey dovey strings but um, tsk! Am not available – and second of all, am sure you must have hit your head on something or maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

Who said he woke up from the wrong side of the bed?

This dude did something that shock me next. He took off his hoodie and sweatpants – I just found out that he was wearing nothing underneath and then he walk up to me who was just standing there frozen.

He kicked my luggage aside, letting it fall like a dead man, then he pressed me against the wall.

"Tell me you don't feel the same way?" His hands going into my dress again.

I gasp when I felt his crazy fingers officially now in my yard.

"Talk to me, Virginia." His voice deep as ever. "Tell me you don't like how I torture you and I'll stop…."

When did I say I don't like it? Fool! I love it!

With the condition of things right now, I don't think it's the best time to answer any of his questions.

Quickly, I took off my dress and together we made love on the wall of the stairway. We graduated from there to the livingroom and from the livingroom to the kitchen and from the kitchen to the bathroom – under the running shower and then to his bedroom AGAIN?!

I couldn't make it to work. I had to lie to Tristan that I was in an urgent flight to go see Irene.

Am glad he fell for that little lying tongue.

He later told me in the evening of that day – in bed, that it was the caretaker – Mr Rogers, who gave him my number.

When I said I was going to break his head for stepping into my privacy, I didn't care about that anymore.

I love the link up thing.

Day two, I was absent again. I went to watch Sebastian play basketball in his school with some other teams. We make out later that day at the back seat of his black SUV.

Day three, I was with him when he went to rehearse a song in a 24 hour studio down town. Later that day, we cuddle on the couch and watch THE NOTEBOOK on Netflix.

Day four, I wrote him a song and sing along with him as he raps in the background. He had to study for his upcoming exams at night and I slept alone on his bed, wearing one of his baggy sleeves.

Day five, we went to the roller coaster, grabbed an ice cream, coffee from Starbucks, went to the movies and made love in the ferris wheel at night.

Day six, we went to the beach, swim, played and spank ourselves in the water, made love at the waterside where no one could see us and came home with a little quarrel that we later solve on the bed that night.

Actually, what caused that quarrel was because I caught him staring at another woman's ass. And I freaked out, but that issue later die down that day.

Day seven, He made BREAKFAST IN BED for me in the morning, and at night, we went on a romantic dinner date in one of the finest Italian restaurant. There, he ordered so many Italian dish and taught me how to speak Italian.

I found out that night – during our conversation that he was born in Sicily and his father is a Sicilian Mafia – well-known as the dangerous and richest man in Italy.

During these seven days, I didn't go to work and he barely went to class. I showed him photos of Irene when he said he'd like to know about her.

I warned him that Irene is off limit when he called her beautiful and whatever we're having, no one should find out. He promised to be loyal and faithful in what we share.

I didn't need to make any promises because he already knew about my relationship with Tristan.

Is this a Sugar mommy to a toy boy thing?

Call it whatever you want but as for me, I'd love to enjoy every bit of this moment am having with Sebastian.

He also taught me how to smoke tobacco, India hems and little white weeds like razlers and Londons.

He showed me how a woman could get drunk by the scoop of shots she'd take. I monitored him as the ml rises.

He said every ml was a dose of alcohol. So if I take three ml of a ten percent booze, I'll get drunk and unconscious.

I don't need to be surprise. He is a son of a Mafia King. Capo dei Capi. Meaning, Boss of bosses.